Chapter 15

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Frisk's P.O.V

"Frisk," a distant, unfamiliar voice said to me. "Would you like to tell me who the other human who fell with you is?"

I looked over at my supposed savior, with a weak surprised expression, having had the life drained out of me. We were currently walking through the forest surrounding Mount Ebott, although the group the guy had with him started to disperse along the way, taking up sentry posts beside the path. Chara and I walked next to each other, feeling like strangers in our own world. Plus, I think we both needed the comfort from each other.

"Before I do, how do you know my name?" I countered. I don't recall ever meeting him, but then again, it's kind of hard to remember past all the hundreds of resets myself and Chara have done.

"Are you saying you don't remember me? What did those monsters do to you to make you forget your childhood friend?"

"They have not done anything!" I shouted defensively. "All those resets have just tempered with my mind a bit," I added, not realizing I had said that.

"Frisk!" Chara scolded me, overhearing. "You can't go around talking about resets like it is something that will not mean anything!"

"Resets? Is that what you guys call those rewinds?"

I stopped in my tracks, completely stunned.

This guy, I thought. This random guy who somehow knows me, knows about the resets? How? How many has he remembered? And how much? I thought only Sans, Flowey/Asriel, Chara and I were the only ones who could remember the resets. Although, yes, evident on some runs that the others had a feeling that they had met me before, this guy is talking about it like he's somewhat familiar with it. Plus, he's a human! Does he even have a determination soul?

"Frisk?" The guy gently grabbed my arm, and I took it away quickly and sharply. He looked surprised, worried and, hurt, maybe? I felt the need to run away from everyone, but I knew it wouldn't do anything. However, my muscles tightened up anyway, ready in case I did. Chara stepped in front of me, her stored knife now in her hand, the deadly edge of the blade aimed at the guy.

"Don't touch my sister," she warned.

"Frisk doesn't have a sister, so I don't know what you are talking about."

"Alright then, smartass, what else do you know about my sister?"

"Chara!" I scolded.

"What? We don't know his name, and I think smartass is a perfect nickname for him."

"I'm Justin Macklemor, and like I said before, I'm Frisk's childhood friend."

"And how would you remember her when she doesn't remember you?"

"I made sure to keep her in my mind. When she didn't show up anywhere for a few days I knew something was wrong. I looked all over the city we had lived in before, and even asked the other kids at her orphanage. They simply said you ran away," Justin added, directing his attention towards me now.

"I bet they would," I whispered. "None of them cared about me."

"And yet it was true, because here you are, in the flesh, far away from home."

"My home is with the monsters! They have cared about me more than any other human! They are my family!"

"And mine as well!" Chara added.

"They had you both as prisoners! And do you think I would be looking for you if I didn't care about you?"

"I don't even remember you! Your name only sounds familiar because it was brought up in a stupid nightmare I had! And they never kept us as prisoners! Toriel treated us as though we were her own children!"

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