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3rd Person P.O.V

Two figures trotted into the darkness, one wrapped around the other, their forms of living and real people. It wasn't long, though, before they became their actual forms: shadows in the shape of a human, one a male and the other female. They walked with an agitated purpose even though the shadows just seemed to go on for forever, as though they had a mission and something or someone ruined it.

"She's not going to be happy," the female shadow stated angrily.

"You think!?" the male shadow erupted, moving to stand in front of her to make her stop walking. "She's going to be furious! Despite our efforts, the one thing that can match her power is still going to be born!"

"How gentle were you in Frisk's nightmares, then?! She's the one who solved their problem!" she retorted.

"Do you know how hard it is being a stupid little flower?! And it wasn't my fault! That skeleton was the first to try and fix their relationship! Besides that, we both know we only warned them of what was to come, and we even said that it was inevitable! So don't go blaming me for something that was both our fault!"

"Will you two just shut up?!" two new voices shouted, coming from different sides of the darkness. The female turned to one of them, and became submissive. The male turned toward the other and became fearful. In front of him was a large, pure white wolf with vibrant purple eyes that was at least twice the size of him, and in front of the female was Her, their boss, in all of her shadowy glory, who was a few heads taller than the wolf.

"Where am I?" the wolf asked with a menacing tone, glaring at the three of them. She was unafraid, even if the largest of the shadowy figures had an immense amount of power. She already died once. Dying again wouldn't be that big of a deal, especially since it seemed one couldn't die here.

"You are in the void," the tall female shadow informed, with an authoritative and goddess-like air around her. "A land of nothing and everything. A land of the living and the dead and in between. A place for the broken and the whole. Whichever you prefer."

"So if this place has a name do you three have one as well?" the wolf questioned, an aggressive tone still detectable in her voice. The shadow leader cracked a smile, but it wasn't friendly.

"Of course. I am Neptune, the ruler of the void since the last one spends so much time in reality and his own little space. These two are my followers, Bend and Break." she gestured toward the male and then the female. "Now what is your name?"

"Lyra, but what do you mean the last ruler spends so much in reality? Is there a way out of this void?" Neptune's expression turned to a scowl, but Bend and Break wore sinister smiles.

"Listen, Lyra, a power that matches my own is going to be born, so we need all the firepower we can get for when she becomes too strong for her own good!" The wolf took a step back, her teeth bared and her hackles raised.

"And I should trust you?" she growled. "The very reason why you won't let me see reality so long after my death is a very good reason why I shouldn't!" An unspoken command passed through the shadowy figures, and in an instant, Bend and Break were quickly advancing upon her. However, when they came within hand-to-hand combat distance, or rather hand-to-paw, a dome suddenly appeared and bounced the shadows back, surprising all four of them.

"You're with her!" Neptune spat, her voice full of malice like poison on her tongue. Finally taking the battle into her own hands, she grew in size, as though she was gathering the shadows around her and adding it to her size. Moving the shadows to her hand, she moved her arm up and had it come crashing down on the wolf.

Lyra, sensing the strong power in the attack and not trusting the powers she somehow has, leaped away, and began running across the darkness. For a while, she could hear the three shadows following her in mad and desperate pursuit, but since she had more stamina as an animal, they soon gave up. She kept running though, and spotted a small dot of white in the distance the further she ran. Pumping her legs in rhythm with her racing heartbeat, the white was all around her in a few moments.

Then she fell, and a skeletal figure approached her as she blacked out.

(A/N: And that's a wrap to the story! :D

I feel like this story has been going on forever xD
Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy writing it tho ;P

Now, as said before (I think 🤨), there will be a sequel, since Fabledtale was originally meant to focus on my OC, but it will probably be published after Saviortale or Underappearance (which is the next story I'll be working on alongside Saviortale) is finished

Speaking of the original Fabledtale, I was thinking 'bout republishing it. You guys can vote here, or on my profile, where the poll will also be posted




In the meantime, you guys can check out my other stories if you want or have not already:
Love Angels/Underwings (slight NSFW) - Frans
Save Her/Saviortale (NSFW) - Frans
Underappearance (Not yet published) - Frans
Random Stories - A bunch of random stories ;P
My Art Book - If you guys would like to see more of my art

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this story! See ya later, my guardians!)

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