Chapter 19

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Frisk's P.O.V

After trying to convince my parents that I had only been out for a little walk, I couldn't seem to fall asleep. Not after the brilliant idea Sans had put into my head. However, as I was walking down a pitch black hallway, as I thought it was, I realized I must have slipped into sleep.

As I went, my footsteps were soundless, and the darkness was stifling and cold. However, as I unpurposefully traveled farther into the empty void, I thought I could see a faint, white light in the distance.


Sans' P.O.V

"what do ya want?" I asked the tall skeleton in front of me, not at all trying to act friendly. Although he looked as though he had some news to share, I didn't trust him after what happened earlier. "gonna battle both of us in the same night to see how we're doin'?"

"I might, now that you bring up a reasonable explanation, but that is not my intention," he replied, tipping his head to the side, a sly smirk on his face. "Not for you."

"well aren't i special," I muttered sarcasticly, feeling a little unnerved, wondering what he has in plan.

"I think it's about time I informed you of who Callidera Tesmond is. Now seems like a good time after all the drama earlier."


Frisk's P.O.V

I continued to walk towards the light, and as I came closer to it and as it grew bigger, three dim dots in it, spread out evenly, seemed to be the source, or sources. I wanted to get closer so I could see what they were, having a feeling that they weren't just balls of light, and nothing seemed to stop me.


Sans' P.O.V

"alright, fine. what 'bout frisk's ancestor do i need to know?"

"Well, considering Frisk doesn't know this herself, there's no need for you to know. I am simply giving you this information."

"okay. can ya stop yammerin' and get to whatever long ass story ya have to tell?"

"I was born on the surface, like most thousands old monsters still alive today. We didn't have two separate kingdoms, humans and monsters. No, instead we had one merged kingdom with two kings and queens, one pair for humans and the other for monsters. We lived in harmony, despite having our own rules to follow, depending if we were human or monster. I was beginning my training to be the monster's royal scientist when Callidera was born." He took a deep breath, as though telling this to me brought back bad memories. "I had already met yours and Papyrus' mother, and we already considered the other as a best friend at the time. We both grew up knowing the princess, and... we pretended to be parents with the princess as our daughter whenever I had the time to babysit her." He laughed a bit during the last part, but there was a part of it I didn't understand.

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