Chapter 38

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Edit: Only a couple changes were made, mainly the A/N, but someone (pointedly looks at ThatOneSINnaRoll ) asked for a republish, so their request was fulfilled

Day #3

Sans' P.O.V

If there's only one thing I could hate about shopping, my first pick would be shopping for clothes. By myself, I would usually take only a few minutes, grabbing random, plain shirts - or occasionally shirts with words that I relate to - and shorts that are my size and then paying for it, getting maybe one or two of each. But when shopping with Mettaton, it was a completely different story. He makes me try on these more fancy, formal type of clothing, come out for him to judge, and repeat that process for what seems like forever until he is satisfied with a more simpler attire that I chose.

Today, we were shopping for suits and dresses... with the others. Some big event was going on soon, thus the reason of this boring, awkward shopping trip. What the event was for, I didn't know. I wasn't listening.

The atmosphere was awkward in the back of the group as we walked through the store. Not only did the human customers and staff stare and look at us with disgust, but it was also awkward because of me and Frisk being in such close proximity of each other, and I knew the others knew what had happened between us. So no matter what formation they were in, a lingering tension was always there.

just pull her aside. that's all ya gotta do. then you can apologize to her without makin' such a scene about it in front of the others. for once in your life, stop bein' so god damn lazy and do somethin'! I kept telling myself over and over, the first part more often than the rest.

Finally, I managed to gather up my courage and gently grabbed Frisk's wrist when she was near the back, making her stop and look at me with an unreadable expression.

"frisk, i, uh, need to talk to ya," I said, avoiding her gaze as I tried to go on. "i... i-i wanted to say-"

"OH. MY. GOD!" a voice filled with an unbelievable amount of sweetness shouted from behind me. I turned around and was faced with the two fire monsters walking up to us. "SANSY~! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE HERE!"

"Sansy?" Frisk muttered bitterly, roughly drawing her hand out of my grip, and when I looked back at her, anger and maybe jealousy could be seen clear as day on her face.

"shit," I said under my breath. "frisk, this isn't-"

"I know exactly what this looks like, Sans!" she shouted back at me. "You only wanted to speak to me so you could show off about how you have already moved on with Fuku!"

"no, that isn't-"

"Quit lying to yourself, Sansy~," Fuku said as she became within earshot of us. "You and I both know what you did before she came along."

"we never-" I started to turn on the green, fire monster, but was interrupted once again.

"Sans, what is this I hear about you and my daughter?" Grillby asked sternly, him and Fuku stopping a couple feet away from me and Frisk.

"nothin'!" I hurried to get out, turning my distressed eye sockets to the older flame monster. "i-"

"Forget it, Sans!" Frisk yelled, and when I looked back at her, tears were quickly falling from her eyes. "Just shut up and admit it!" I was about to make a joke about how I can't admit anything when she told me to shut up, but instantly changed it up when I reminded myself about the situation I was in.

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