Chapter 33

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(¡¡Warning!! ¡¡Lots of profanity in this chapter!! ¡¡Read at your own risk!!


Sans' P.O.V

"i made a huge fuckin' mistake, grillbz," I said to the flame monster, currently in his bar, tears streaming down my skull. A ketchup bottle, that was almost empty, was in one hand while the other held my head up. The bartender just listened as I ranted, throwing away the four empty bottles I had already downed. "i shouldn't have acted so quickly. i should have fuckin' waited for her explanation that i knew would come. but ya know what? good riddance! that fucker can finally get what he wants without botherin' me anymore! i don't fuckin' care." I had no clue as to what I was saying, although I said it with drunken confidence. I was drunk and heartbroken, my emotions completely out of wack. One moment I would be breaking down and blaming myself for what I did, and the next I would be in a raging fit about how I didn't care and how a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.

"Speaking of... her," Grillby said after one of my outbursts. He avoided saying her name, most likely knowing better than to bring it up and make me interrupt him before he could say anything. However, I did cast a glare at him. "She came by earlier today with a message for you."

"it better be important," I growled. "otherwise, don't bother tellin' me her crappy excuse."

"Her message has three parts. I won't say the first, and you can easily guess what it was." I only growled in response. "The second is that she was sorry, and the third," he quickly went on before I could shout at him about what I said before, "is that she hopes you will be happier with whoever you hook up with next. Her words not mine."

"bullshit!" I shouted, slamming my fist on the counter. "no other could replace her! did she really think i would drink ya dry and then have my first with a random woman of whom i either took advantage of or she took advantage of me? hell no! an' if i do, i order ya to not have me do so!"

"I'll try my hardest against your magic, then. But, Sans, have you had your soul checked? If you've done your research-"

"i'll do it tomorrow or somethin'."

"The sooner the better. You know what happens if you wait too long."

"won't matter if i don't plan to have any children, now, does it?"

"That's not all that will happen, Sans," Grillby suddenly said sternly. "I'm speaking as your friend, and I am worried for your health and what will happen to it if you leave this unchecked."

"why don't cha tell me that again? when i care."

"Fine. Tomorrow morning, I'll drag you out of bed and bring you to Alphys. I don't want you to dust yourself before we know if Papyrus might."

"you leave my brother out of this fuckin' conversation! he will come back!"

"Then what is the point of getting soul sickness if you know that?" he demanded, getting riled up with my stubbornness.

"i don't know!" I shouted and slumped back into my seat as I broke down again, my head in my arms. "i... don't fuckin' kn-know." I was quiet for a few minutes, crying into my sleeves and feeling the warm, supportive hand of my old friend. "why does love hurt so much?" I sobbed. "it's all my fault. i tried so fuckin' hard to keep her, and in the end it was me who pushed her away. it's not all the bastard's fault. it's also mine. i made her lose whatever little bit of determination she had left. i let my light die out in the rain. i never deserved someone like her."

"Why don't you go home, Sans?" Grillby said after another few minutes, my sobbing finally subsiding. "In the morning, we will see Dr. Alphys and together think of a plan to heal whatever we can to stall, or stop, the soul sickness from reaching you."

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