Chapter 43

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(A/N: Above drawing is mine :3
Please don't steal, trace, copy, claim as yours, or heavily reference my art, thank you UwU

It'll be posted in my art book later)

Sans' P.O.V

I woke up on my side, slowly opening my eye sockets only to shut them again when there was nothing but bright sunlight covering my vision. I groaned and rolled onto my back, my bones aching with every movement, and found myself falling onto the floor, instantly waking me up and bringing a pounding headache to my skull from the back of my mind. I looked around the room I was in, recognizing the wallpaper and lack of decorations.

how did i end up in frisk's room? I wondered, sitting up and holding my skull against the headache. I caught sight of clothes scattered around the floor, mostly mine, and my eye sockets widened, which drew my attention to the lack of clothes on my body. what the hell did we do last night!? if we did do anything. I quickly put on my scattered clothes and made my way to the kitchen, my nonexistent stomach begging for some food. did i even eat at the party? I asked myself, trying to remember what all happened last night.

"Morning Sans," Frisk's voice greeted me as I entered the kitchen, sounding a little shocked at my appearance. She was sitting at the table, her eyes wide as saucers as though she just got a life changing piece of information.

"mornin'," I greeted back, seeing a small, round container on the marble counter with a sticky note attached to it. I approached it and read what was on the note quietly to myself. "for the hangover, grillby." Looking at the container, I saw an orange-yellow liquid inside it, the sides stained as though some of it had already been taken out. My skull pounded, reminding me of my headache, so I quickly drank the rest of the liquid. Almost instantly, the pain went away and I could think clearly. It didn't help with remembering what happened last night, but at least it stopped the pain.

"Hey Sans?" Frisk called in a whisper, but with how quiet the house was, I could easily hear her. I turned to face her with a curious expression. "How much do you know about souls?"

"depends on what ya wanna know," I answered, confused by her question. "monsters are taught many things about souls in school, specifically our own, but since I was Gaster's son, I-" I cut myself off as Frisk brought out her soul, which shocked me to the core and made my whole skull blue.

Instead of the brightly red determination soul I was so familiar with, it had taken on a duller red gray color. Cracks covered it, but they were strangely filled with a light gray. The weirdest and most shocking part was the two little, wispy, pale blue tendrils at the bottom. I knew what they were, but I debated on telling Frisk the news.

"Do you know why my soul looks so weird? Because it looks like you do," she said, her eyes searching mine as though doing that might give her the answer.

looks like she made the decision for me, I thought, taking a deep breath to prepare myself with what I had to tell her.

"uh, yeah," I answered her, blush creeping along my skull. "partially. one thing i'm positive about is that the little tendrils mean that..." I rubbed the back of my skull as I said my next words. "you're pregnant." Frisk's mouth open and closed, and her eyes got wider, matching her shocked expression.

"B-But how?!" she finally managed to get out. "We never-! We couldn't-! Could we? I mean, you're a monster - a skeleton, even - and I'm a human! How would that-"

"i think i know where you're confused at," I interrupted her, walking over to her and sitting in a chair beside her. "see, while monsters can still do that, includin' skeletons, the only way for us to reproduce is by mergin' our souls... which i'm assumin' is what happened last night. as for how skeletons can do that," I continued, seeing as her expression was still shocked and confused, "we can use a small bit of our magic to form those parts, no matter the gender."

"So what about you?" Frisk suddenly asked. I gazed at her, raising a bony brow.

"what about me?"

"Wouldn't that... thing that happened yesterday happen again?" In curiosity and fear, I brought my soul out, only to stare at it in wonder and thought. As if the pieces suddenly fit together, I looked back up at Frisk.

"our souls healed each other," I told her breathlessly. My soul was a light gray, and, like Frisk's, there were a bunch of cracks in it, filled in with the same dull red gray color of her soul. Comparing mine to hers, I figured the light gray filling her cracks were from my own soul, and the red gray filling my cracks came from her soul.

Frisk didn't say anything, as though she was still trying to understand everything that was said. Truthfully, I was too, mainly the fact that I was to be a father, but I guess I was calmer because I already knew most of the things I told her.

"So... I'm pregnant, and our souls are healed," she finally said, which was pretty much just a short little summary of what I said. I nodded, my smile slowly widening in happiness as reality finally found it's way into my thoughts. "I want to keep them," she added decisively. "I couldn't imagine-"

I hugged her, interrupting whatever she was saying while also being mindful that our souls were still out. I teleported us to one of the couches in the living room, so it was easier to hug her and was a lot more comfortable. "i couldn't imagine that either," I whispered, only to have my breath feel like it was forcefully taken not a moment later. I pulled away from the hug to see the tendrils start to wrap themselves around my soul. It was such a weird feeling, like my energy was slowly depleting from my body and was being replaced with a feeling of calm. Now I know what Mom and Dad meant when they said the feeling was hard to explain whenever I asked about it while Papyrus was developing. "guess they're hungry already," I said when I caught my breath back, laughing a little. Frisk didn't see it as a laughing matter, though.

"Hungry?!" She exclaimed, looking beyond worried. "What do you mean by that?! Are they eating your soul!? Dear Asgore, please tell me that's not the case!"

"they're not, they're not!" I hurriedly reassured her. When I saw her calm down, I went on to explain. "see, like humans, unborn monsters need nutrients while they're developin', but they need to get it two ways. one is from the mother so their physical body can form and the other is from the parents' souls so that they have and can use magic. the second way, if forgotten or is only from the mother's soul, is the most common way for stillbirths and magic defects to occur in monsters, which is why it's very important to be in a lovin' and stable relationship."

"So... if you don't mind me asking, did something like that happen to you?" Frisk asked slowly as she took in the information. I knew it would still be pretty confusing and overwhelming to her, especially since it was given all at once.

"kinda. i was found out a month after that happened, but it doesn't really explain why i have high magic levels and low stats. a magic defect wouldn't do somethin' like that, not to the point where stats are permanently changed."

I gently took my soul away from the tendrils and put it back into my body. Frisk looked at hers and theirs for a little bit longer before putting them back into her own body. She hugged me tightly before saying anything. "What do we do now?"

I thought for a moment before responding with a bit of blush on my cheekbones. "maybe start thinkin' about movin' in together?" I looked down at her face and saw her smiling and blushing.

"Maybe, but maybe we could also think about marriage." She blushed even more, and even though she mumbled toward the end, I could hear her clear as day.

"r-really?" I stuttered, although I was overjoyed to hear her say that. "with everythin' that i caused still so recent, i kinda thought ya wouldn't be thinkin' 'bout that ye-"

Frisk kissed me, cutting off what I was saying, and pulled back before I could kiss her back. "You're still my one and bonely, Sans," she said softly. "Being away from you only proved that. Besides, we're back together now. That little bump in the road should be left behind us, and instead I think we should focus on the two things that are more important right now."

I let out a sigh, relieving myself of my fears to focus on what was happening now. "yeah, you're right." As though reality finally hit me in the face, I smiled widely. "i'm really goin' to be father." Frisk giggled and snuggled closer to me before nodding, her head resting on my shoulder.

Of course my girlfriend was right. What happened in the past years was just a storm passing through, and by the looks of things, the clouds were starting to clear.

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