Chapter 6

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Papyrus' P.O.V

"Why do you think Sans is preferring to keep quiet about his feelings?" Undyne asked as we led the way to Snowdin. Once it was in sight, we would walk around it to avoid any suspicion, as my brother thinks.

"I do not know, Undyne," I said quietly, although it was a little hard, having a natural announcing voice that I think everyone should hear. But I will do what it takes to master this whispering technique everyone seems to be able to do. "But it took him until our noticing for him to tell us about it and those resets."

"He seems to like to keep things secret. We need to help him."

"How will we do that?" Now it was really hard to keep my voice down. I was almost bursting with excitement, but it was more manageable than my irritation when I hear Sans' awful puns.

"When we get the chance, Alphys and I will hang out with the human and see if she has the same feelings. If we find out anything, we'll tell you and MTT and we will work things out from there."

I glanced back at my brother and Frisk. They were smiling, of which a real smile is rare from my brother, so I guessed that they must be exchanging puns or talking about fun things to do once she gets better.

"Any two people who love horrible puns seem like a perfect match for me."

"But what about Toriel?"

"Lady Asgore is much too old for my brother. Besides, King Fluffybuns and Lady Asgore might make up once they meet each other again at the castle."

"Let's hope so, otherwise we will have our hands full trying to keep those two from tearing the kingdom apart."


Sans' P.O.V

No trouble faced us as we headed toward Snowdin. Frisk and I shared some laughs and experiences. The happier ones, of course.

"how different do ya think it would be if this whole place was lit up from the sun?" I asked, gazing around, for once taking in the scenery.

"The snow would be sparkling," Frisk replied after a moment of thinking. "Although," she continued, smiling, "it would most likely be too bright for my human eyes to handle after coming out of the ruins."

"yeah, but it'd be wonderful to just look at."

Almost as wonderful as you, I hesitantly thought.

"It would be soothing. Sans, if anything bad happens, would it be alright to have one more reset? Then after everyone is free, could we watch the snow sparkle together?"

I blushed a little as I heard her last request.

"yeah, kid. if anythin' bad happens, i give ya permission to reset."

"And the snow?" she repeated softly, her tired, but shining, pleading, brown eyes looking up at me. For a moment I forgot what she asked. I admit I got lost in her eyes.

"any way ya want it."

"Dogan!" Undyne shouted, shattering our moment.

"Yes, Captain Undyne?" the dog monster answered, running to catch up with her.

"Take your snowdrake friend and Papyrus back into Snowdin. I can't have it look like I sent two kids into town on their own. Plus, we need some cover for when we're going around."

"So we're keeping the humans a secret?"

"Yes, so don't go mentioning it or I'll make sure you won't be able to train with any members of the royal guard."

"Y-Yes, Captain Undyne!"

"Now, you three get going."


"Thank you, Papyrus!" the monster kids said and followed my brother further down the path.

"Hey, Sans," Undyne said, turning to me. "Why don't you take the lead?"

"i thought i told you to," I said, but instead of arguing anymore, I took the lead, flashing a glare at the fish monster as I past her. She glared back, but I could tell that I was the winner.

I turned to the left, off the original path, which could be more easily seen now, and started heading down a more hidden one. I traveled down this way a lot the first year Frisk had made no appearance. I had needed to clear my mind and hope with all my might that her lack of appearances wasn't because of me.

"I've never seen this path before," Frisk said, who started shivering in my arms once more. Toriel had brought a blanket with us, so she put that around the kiddos legs.

"i needed to find somewhere to clear my skull," I answered. "i traveled down this path a lot the first year ya didn' show up, since i had nothin' else to do."

"You needed a place to focus on this run, and you found one."

"ya sound jealous."

"The ruins didn't have a spot that was quiet and empty all the time. All I had was my room."

"guess now we can both move on from those events together."


Snow had started falling, lightly at first, and now I could barely see a few feet ahead of me. There was no wind, which was a pleasure, but weather like this was sure to have bad winds sooner or later, despite us being underground.

"Will we make it to the riverperson?" Frisk asked, speaking the doubts I had in my mind. I didn't reply immediately.

"i hope so," I said under my breath. I glanced back and saw the dark outlines of my companions. Well, they were all huddled together so I guess it was more of a dark blob against the white. I turned back around and saw an even brighter white. I stopped at the woods' edge and stared at the swirling snow.

this weather is too dangerous to travel in, I thought. but i doubt frisk can last another whole day without care for her sickness.

Images came to my vision as I stared into the mesmerizing whiteness. It was the last run's.

The images flashed by, some lasting more than others, so I guessed the longer lasting ones were more important than the ones that appeared for a split second. Everything seemed to slow down around me as the last image appeared and stayed. Frisk was pierced with bones, my doing, and was giving me the most hurt, saddened, and disbelieving expression. Upon seeing it again, I felt my soul crack.

i know i said we could work past all the previous runs together, but how can we work past that one? how can... i, work past it?

(A/N: Yay, this chapter's done. I'm sorry for not publishing it sooner, but something happened with my saves and all the work I had previously put into this chapter was wiped. So most everything in this chapter is different from what I originally had. Either way, I got this done, and I can continue writing more chapters. See ya later, my guardians!)

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