Chapter 5

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Chara's P.O.V

I woke up to a loud shuffling noise and the comedian's snoring. Guess he couldn't stay up that late after all. Everyone else was still asleep, although I could see them stirring by the unknown noise being made.

I looked out to the bridge, which wasn't too far away from sight, and saw a couple monsters taking off with our stuff.

"Hey!" I shouted, and I ran after them, the cold against my face waking me up.

I easily caught up with them. They must not have been that old. I leaped and pinned them to the ground.

"What are you two doing?" I demanded. "Taking off with someone else's stuff?"

"you two up to no good again?" Sans' voice said behind me. The kids shook in fear, then froze when their monster souls were turned blue. I got off them and stood up, brushing off the snow I had gathered when I had leaped at the two monsters.

"W-We're sorry, Sans," the snowdrake kid said, probably pleading for her life. "We didn't know you were with the group."

"Violet?" my sister's scratchy voice asked. I turned and saw her walking, with much difficulty, over to us. What kept her from falling was Mom, who was wearing a black cloak to hide her identity. I was supposed to be wearing mine, but it would've slowed me down when I was chasing the kids.

"Frisk? Oh god, now I really feel bad." She put her wings over her beak, and her face was full of guilt. It reminded me of how Frisk's face looked when she first killed a monster... for the genocide run. It didn't make me feel good like it did back then. It actually made me a little nauseous to think that I enjoyed seeing that.

"So this is the friend you have been talking to?" Mom asked her. I glanced over at Sans. He looked a lot more worried than I thought he should be, but I knew what was going on between them.

"You never told me Frisk was a human!" the other kid, a dog monster, accused.

"how many monsters do ya think would be pounding on the door, tryin' to get in to kill. one. human?" Sans said, turning to look back at them. His eye sockets were empty.

"Y-Yeah," Violet said. Both of them were shaking with immense fear. "Th-That's why I d-didn't want to tell you that, Dogan."

"Dogamy and Dogaressa had a pup?" Frisk asked, her brown eyes shining.

"a whole litter, actually. this pup is just one of 'em."

"How many times have I told you not to call me a pup?!" Dogan shouted, looking embarrassed. Everyone laughed, but it was quickly cut off when Frisk started another coughing fit. Both Sans and I hurried over to her and Mom.

Mom gently lowered my sister and herself to the ground, and we crashed onto our knees beside them.

"What's going on with Frisk?" Violet asked. "Is she sick?"


"S... since when did Papyrus train other monsters?" Frisk asked once she had caught some of her breath.

"'bout a year ago," Sans replied, sounding relieved. "he's now an official member of the royal guard, which has maybe changed against the king's orders."

"Now would be a good time to start moving again," Mom said and glanced back at their resting place.


I hurried over there and found him just starting to wake up. I picked him up by his pot and walked back to the others.

"Wha..." he started, rubbing one of his eyes with a leaf. "Wait, why is everyone over by the bridge?"

"A couple monster kids came and tried stealing our stuff," I told him. I walked a little faster to get back to the others and saw that Frisk was back in Sans' arms while Mom was searching our things, making sure we still had everything. Violet and Dogan were standing a few feet away, both looking anxious about different things.

"Dogan!" a different voice shouted. A fuming Undyne and a happy Papyrus came running over.

"SANS!" Papyrus said excitedly. "YOU CAUGHT THE HUMAN FRISK AT LAST!" Blue blush spread across Sans' skull, and his eye sockets were once again empty.

"Wait, he did?" Undyne asked disbelievingly, who had been furiously shaking Dogan. She let go and went over to the skeleton brothers and my sister.

"How long have you known that?" Flowey asked, pointing over to the group.

"Since the last genocide run," I answered.

"Is there something I missed, my children?" Mom asked beside us.

"Oh," Flowey whispered. "Mom is the only one who hasn't been told about the resets, since it's obvious that smiley trash bag told his friends and brother about them."

"Would now be a good time or a bad time to tell her?" I whispered back, thinking about the outcomes of telling her now versus telling her later.

"Seeing how they most likely are not going to leave us alone for very long, I say we should. All she knows about these secrets is who I am. And you."

"Alright." To Mom I said, "Asriel and I will tell you as we go to Dad's castle. It's... sort of a long story."

"Which means we ought to get going!" Flowey pointed out, a little loud in order to speak over Papyrus' and Undyne's mooning.

"Thank you," Sans and Frisk both whispered.

"CAN WE COME WITH?" Papyrus, his pleading eye sockets hard to say no to.

"sure, bro," Sans said. "in fact, why don' you and undyne take the lead to the riverperson?"


"remember not to go through snowdin."

Papyrus froze halfway in his step.

"Why not?" Undyne asked while Papyrus said, "BUT I HAVE TO BRING METTATON WITH US."

"ya can fetch the tin can after we get there, if you're feeling that bonely without him."

The tall skeleton's face instantly turned into one of anger and irritation. However, he managed to hold in any retorts and started walking down the slightly worn path, fuming like Undyne had been a moment ago.

I started after the two leading monsters, and I'm guessing Mom and Sans followed suit.

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