Chapter 28

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(A/N: This marks part 30 for the whole story, minus the A/N makes it part 29, and minus the prologue makes it part 28. Honestly, I never thought this story would end up being this long, just a simple little backstory for my AU. Anyways, sorry for the late publish (I got distracted by new games that I downloaded on my phone, and family, and didn't have much motivation in between events) and enjoy this chapter, my guardians!)

Frisk's P.O.V

It was lunchtime.

"Right through here is the cafeteria," Bella was explaining, pushing open the doors, revealing a large mass of people already. "There is always a line, so when you get food from the school you always know where it is. Unless your precious mommy pack's all your lunches for you," she teased, using a fake, sweet, baby voice before laughing and walking into the cafeteria. I followed after her after a moment, and glanced around for a place to sit. I easily spotted an empty table, and I was a little surprised no one made a move to sit there. I walked over to it, keeping my distance with other tables, and people, and sat down, placing my backpack beside me. I rummaged through it and found what I was hoping for: a packed lunch in a brown paper bag. I pulled it out and emptied the contents, finding a large variety of food items.

Of course. They don't know what we like and dislike, so why not a bit of everything? I thought, a small smile coming to my face as I thought about the same thing being in Chara's lunch. As if thinking so had summoned her, my sister sat down beside me with a heavy sigh, plopping her backpack on the table.

"I see you have a feast," she muttered before rummaging in her own bag, searching for her packed lunch.

"You might as well," I laughed, separating the foods that I liked and didn't like.

"How was your guide?" she asked, her eyes shining with success as she pulled the paper bag out. As I suspected, multiple contents came out when she emptied it, and I let out another laugh before answering.

"She's keeping up her end about being my guide. Being a possible friend is ruled out, though."

"Why would that be?" Chara grabbed the chocolate bar the instant her eyes grazed over it. "Usually your the one to make friends with everyone. Well, almost everyone."

"She's the typical rich, popular girl you see in every high school. She'll only act nice if she wants to or if she believes she can corrupt someone else."

"You seem a lot more bothered than just Bella's personality."

"I am." I glanced up, and before I could give a more detailed answer, about Alexandar, I heard shouts and yells quiet down the rest of the cafeteria. A group of what I believed were athletes surrounded a figure on the ground, kicking it over and over. From the gaps between their legs, I gasped, seeing that it wasn't an it at all. It was Lucas.

I stood up from the table and ran over to them, shoving people out of the way, shouting, "Leave him alone!" One of the athletes picked me up by the collar of my shirt before I could reach my friend.

"And what are you going to do about it, girly?" he sneered. He then howled in pain when something swift and shiny cut his arm, making him let me go in the process.

"Leave my sister alone before I make you regret being born," Chara said darkly, standing over me with a knife in hand, blood glistening in the light.

"Jesus fucking Christ, alright!" He turned, heading towards one of the tables in the center of the large room, and added over his shoulder, "Come on guys. Let's leave these freaks to whatever the hell they want. We can get them later."

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