Chapter 20

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Frisk's P.O.V

I spun around, freezing for a second when the familiar voice cut clearly through the darkness. And there he was, the little buttercup who always appeared at the beginning and end of every run.

"I see you have finally found out about the funny little souls behind you," he said. "The smiling trash bag had already seen them, and like you, he doesn't have a clue as to what they are."

"H-How are you here?" I stammered, taking a step back. From behind, vines wrapped around my body, preventing me from running, the thorns covering it piercing my skin. One of the vines covered my mouth, so I couldn't cry out in pain.

"Did you think you can escape a dream without it turning to a nightmare? This is what you are afraid of. Precious little Asriel being gone forever to this little flower body. Just be thankful it wasn't something worse." From behind him shot three vines, going fast, suddenly stopping, then pulling back slowly. Soon enough, I saw what they had grabbed a hold of: the souls. "Oh, how powerful these souls are," he remarked before letting out a maniacal laugh, bring the halved one closer to his face so he could inspect it. "Do you have something to say?" he asked, glancing over at me while the vine across my mouth was removed.

"Don't hurt them, please," I said hurriedly through gritted teeth. Flowey just laughed.

"What harm can I do to souls that don't even exist in a dream?" he asked once he had calmed down. He smiled evilly and caused the thorns to dig into the soul. I screamed out, feeling the pain as if it was my own soul. "Well isn't that interesting!" he remarked when he heard my cry, laughing. My health stat appeared before me, and I was surprised to see it had lowered. "Maybe I can get something out of shattering these souls after all!"

"B-But-" I started to protest.

"But what? I promised to not hurt them? You should know that promises can always be broken. And that promises can get others killed." Once he finished, the vines squeezed the three souls and they quickly shattered. Immense pain spread throughout my body, and closed my eyes while screaming out.

However, when I opened my eyes, and even before I opened them, the feeling of the vines wrapped around my body disappeared, and I saw brightness instead of the pitch black void. I blinked a few times to get my eyes used to it, and standing above me was the worried expression of my sister, with my parents standing nearby.

"Frisk, are you alright?" she asked, her firm grip on my shoulders bringing more pain than it should.

"Y-Yeah," I stammered in response, wincing a bit from the pain. "It was just a stupid nightmare."

"Who was in it this time?"

"This time?!" my mother shouted, suddenly angry. "Frisk, how many nightmares have you had?"

"How do you expect someone to answer a question like that!?" Chara argued, removing her hands from my shoulders and turning to face the two adults.

"We take nightmares and dreams very seriously, no matter how vague or stupid it might be. Now please, Frisk, tell us what your nightmare was about."

"I'm not sure," I replied, although I knew I wouldn't feel better until I told someone else about it.

"Frisk, I don't trust them either, but I know something like this will bother you until you tell someone."

I sighed, pulling my legs up to my chest. "Fine, I-"

"Where did you get all those bruises?" Chara suddenly asked, changing the subject. I glanced towards her, having not looked at anyone before, and saw concern in her gaze. No understanding in it like if she had said that so I wouldn't have to retell and relive my nightmare. I looked down at my arms and saw little red dots all along them and my legs.

The Storm Before The Hurricane (A Frans Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora