The one with the truce.

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Next morning I surprised myself and my mum when  I woke up before my alarm went off or mom switched off the air conditioning in the room.

It was 5 in the morning when I went out of my room taking my suitcase with me,  dressed in the team shirt and some faded blue jeans and mum was making breakfast in the kitchen like I had asked her to because I had to leave in 10 minutes.

" Your hair looks nice. What did you do with it?"
My mum asked while handing me a plate of pancakes.

" Nothing. I just straightened it. It's less work that way. " I told her as I leaned over the kitchen island and  took a bite of the food in front of me that tasted heavenly.

"This is so good Ma" I said with a mouthful, hitting my fork on the plate.

" Don't speak with your mouthful, and thank you." She scolded/ thanked me as I gobbled down the remaining Pancakes.

" Chalo Ma. Tell dad I said bye and that I will miss him. You don't need to worry, I'll be fine. Yes, I will call you and inform you about everything I'm doing. And please don't cry, I'm only going away for like a month. " I rushed before mum had the chance to give me instructions.

She handed me my laptop bag and made sure that I had carried everything.

I picked my bag and walked out of the door, but not before I told my mum that I loved her and that I'm gonna miss her very much.


I called a cab to go to the hotel because I didn't want my car to be there for about a month in a hotel where noone I know or trusted was looking after her.

The cab soon arrived and 35 minutes later, I was standing at the reception of the hotel, explaining to a very uptight receptionist the reason why I wanted to go to Hardik Pandya's room.
She probably thought I was some crazy fan who was obsessed with him and would do anything to meet him.
I mean, I do respect the love and dedication of the fans but why would anyone go to a hotel at 5:45 in the morning, demanding the receptionist to go to his room?
And why would the crazy fan wear the team T-shirt?

I had to show her my Id before she apologized to me and sent me on my way.

I knew where his room was, I just thought it would be polite to let her know first.
But instead of thanking me for my politeness and refusal to be a complete creep and go directly to his hotel room, this lady here had the nerve to talk back to me!?

Is there any niceness left in the world or what!?

I reached Hardik's room, only to see that the door was wide open.
Why doesn't he lock his room?
Is he even in here?

I thought to myself as I knocked on the door and took a peep inside.

The room was empty.
I saw mine and Hardik's bags all packed and kept together in the corner.

So he hadn't left yet.

I went inside the room and took my phone out of my pocket to call Hardik.
But I heard a door opening and my eyes traveled  towards the sound.

Hardik came out of what I assumed was the shower, wrapped in a towel

Wrapped only a towel.

His hair was still wet and water was dripping down his body.

My eyes traveled his body.
The towel hung just below his torso.
He looked even more hotter like this, his abs and muscles of his arms prominent.
His tattoos just made everything  a lot better.

My eyes traveled to his face and his brown eyes met mine as he ran his fingers through his jet black hair.

His pink lips curved into a smirk.

Little Things | Hardik PandyaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora