The one where she meets his family.

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Today was I and Hardik's 6 Months anniversary.

We had decided to not make  a huge deal out of it and just have dinner together because IPl was right around the corner and Hardik had been too busy with his training.

I had nothing to do because the Indian team had no games until after the IPL.

" Happy 6 months. I love you. " Hardik said from the other side of the phone.

It was 11 in the Morning and I had just finished showering and putting some decent clothes for the first time in the entire week.

Sue me for enjoying my mini vacation a little too much

Mum and dad were back from the states and they forced Reyansh to stop working for a couple of months and come home.

He had no choice but to agree and travel back with them.

" Happy 6 months baby. " I said and added an I love you after it.

Hardik wasn't kidding when he said that he would be saying it a lot.

And I wasn't kidding when I said I didn't mind.

" So, meet me for lunch? I'll pick you up at 1" he said as I walked out of my room and entered the living room.

Mum and Reyansh were watching a cricket match and Dad was cooking something in the kitchen that smelled delicious.

Dad was a way better cook than mum was, but we never said anything about that to her, well, for obvious reasons.

" Lunch? I thought we agreed on dinner?" I asked him as I sat down on the edge of the couch.

Neither mum nor Reyansh paid any attention to me.

" Theek hai na, dinner bhi kar lenge. " He said.

" What do you want me to wear?" I asked him.

He didn't say anything for a couple of seconds.

" I would really like to say wear nothing" he started and I flushed.

My god this guy.

" But, we'll do that sometime later. Wear anything casual. We aren't going anywhere fancy. " He said and I nodded in response.

" Okay. I'll see you at 1 then?" He questioned.

" Yup. I'll see you. " I said and hung up.

" I'm not going to be home for lunch or dinner. " I said and mom gave me a nod and Reyansh gave a thumbs up without even looking at me.

Dad mumbled something inaudible from the kitchen.

" You guys are so weird" I said as I walked to my bedroom.

Reyansh gave me the middle finger and I threw a pillow from the chair at him.

At 12:30, I still wasn't sure what I was going to wear.

Everything I tried on was either too fancy, too casual or just not good enough.

I had straighted my hair and put on a little make up.

Finally, exhausted, I decided to wear what I wore on the first day of my job.

Black jeans, white lace top and and brown leather jacket.

I grabbed my purse and my phone and the gifts I  had bought for Hardik and walked out of the room.

Picking out a gift for Hardik was the most difficult thing I've ever done.

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