The one where she finds out.

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The drive back to the hotel is excruciatingly painful and silent.

Neither me nor Hardik said a word.

When we reached the parking lot of the hotel, I got off the car before Hardik even stopped it and ran through the lobby and into the elevator with Hardik running behind me calling out my name.

I slammed the door to Hardik's room shut one second after Hardik got in.

" Reva, I can explain" he said and I scoffed

" Well yeah, you have to" I said and he let out a deep breath

" Reva I love you" he said as I tried to not to look him in the eyes.

" Hardik, don't, you did the one thing I asked you not to do, you know how I feel about people interfering with my job, especially you, I'm not some charity case Hardik, why don't you fucking get it" I said and threw my arms in frustration.

" I know Reva, ofcourse you aren't a charity case, I did what I did because I wanted you to be with me" he said and I shot him a glare.

" Why? It was just 8 weeks Hardik. People survive long distance relationships for years" I said and he shook his head.

" I know." He said and I chuckled.

" You didn't think we would survive right? So you just had to keep me close to you every minute of every day" I said and he took a step closer to me and I took a step back.

" No Reva, we would've have survived, I know, we would've made it work somehow, it's not about that, I just didn't want you to support some other team, we talked about this Reva, I didn't want you to go against me" He said

" Against you? Hardik I'm your girlfriend, just because I was gonna work for some other team and not yours didn't mean that I was going to stop supporting you. We would've have figured something out, you didn't have to go ahead and sabotage my Fucking job" I said and he took a deep breath.

" Reva I'm sorry, I know I made a huge mistake and I'm really sorry, I just wanted to be with you" he said.

" What did you do?" I questioned and he sat down at the edge of the bed and ran his fingers through his hair before looking at me.

" Reva please----" he started but I interrupted him.

" Hardik, What did you do?" I asked again, trying to make my voice as stern as possible and not break down.

" When you told me that you got in at Hyderabad, I was upset and kind of pissed because you were going to be away, so I decided to pull some strings and keep you at Mumbai, I wanted to surprise you, I did it for the both of us" he said.

" I know Micheal for about 3 years now, he was my therapist when I was going through a tough time, we'll get to that part later okay?" He paused but when I didn't answer back, he continued.

" So when I left for practice, I called Micheal and told him about us and your job at Hyderabad. I asked him for a favour" he said.

" To get a job at Hyderabad" I said and he nodded guiltily.

" I knew he would get in, he's a senior, he's got more experience. He agreed and Sunrisers hired him the minute he called. While he was at it, I talked to the team management, you were the national team's psychologist so it didn't take me much time to convince them that you were perfect for the job. I knew what was up when you texted me. I'm sorry." He said and I swear for a minute I wanted to slap him.

" Why did you lie to me?" I asked him and took a deep breath.

" I didn't lie to you Reva, I just kept it from you. I knew you would react like this" he said and I scoffed.

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