The one where they meet again.

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Reva's POV

Manish's hand immediately moved over to my cheek making the skin on the back of my neck raise and he pulled my arm to bring me to him. Our mouths moved in sync and my arms latched around his neck.

His mouth felt foreign to me, it wasnt like Hardik's.. But I felt better , in that moment than I had in the last nine days. Nine days doesn't sound like a long time until you spend it counting every single second of misery, waiting for something that didn't come.

Manish has always been so kind to me and he's always been there. Through everything. I could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel

" Wait...." he said into my mouth and I pulled away slowly.

" what is this?" He looked into my eyes

" I.. I don't know " My voice was shaky and I was out of breath.

" me neither" he chuckled

" I'm sorry, I'm just very emotional and I've been going through a lot and what you said right now made me, I don't know, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that" I said and took my arms off his neck and looked away.

" It's nothing to be sorry for, I just don't want to get the wrong idea you know, I just want to know what this means to you" he said.

What did this mean to me

" I don't think I can answer that, not yet, I..." I trailed off

" Thought so" he said, his voice slightly angry.

" I just don't know..."

" It's okay, I get it, you still love him"

" It's only been nine days Manish , I can't help it"

" I know. I'm not saying that you can or will stop loving him, I just don't want to be your rebound"

" You aren't my rebound. I wanted to kiss you just now. I just don't know what I'm thinking or doing. Nothing has made sense to me for the last nine days and I finally stopped thinking about him when I kissed you and it felt amazing, I felt like I could do this, like I could move on and I know it's so unfair of me to use you like that, I'm just so confused and irrational "

" I don't expect you to move on already. I get it. I just want you to tell me one thing" he said and I gave him a nod

" Tell me that you will atleast try and allow yourself to be happy. He hasn't even called you, not once. He has done so much shit to you and he hasn't even tried to fight for you. If it was me, I would be fighting for you Reva. I just want to know that you'll allow yourself. And I know you aren't ready for any kind of relationship with me right now but maybe someday you will be "

My head was racing, my heart was racing and aching all at once and the air was sucked out of my lungs.

I wanted to tell him that I can try and I will allow myself but the words wouldn't come. The small smile that Hardik has on his face in the morning when he finally gets me to wake up after I complain about his alarm. The way his raspy voice says my name. The one he forces me to stay in bed with him. The way he likes his green tea and complains about any other beverage. The way I love him more than anything in the entire world and wish he could be different. I wish he could be exactly the same but different, it doesn't make any sense to me and I know it won't make sense to anyone else but that's the way it is.

I wish I didn't love him as much as I do. I wish he didn't made me fall in love with him.

" I get it. It's okay" Manish said and tried his best to smile but failed miserably.

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