The one with her new job.

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Warning: This chapter consists of some explicit and mature content. I request you to read it only if you are 14+
I have those parts of the chapter in italics, so if you're uncomfortable with that kind of stuff, skip through those parts.
Thank you :)


Reva's POV

" It's been a week Hardik. I am absolutely sure that I'm not getting in anywhere" I said as Hardik threw a fistful of popcorn at me.

We were sitting on the couch in his living room, watching a football match.

None of our teams were playing. The television was on just for the sake of background music to our conversation.

It had been a week since I've sent out my resumes, a week since Hardik put up that Picture of us on Instagram.

The next day it was all over the internet, there were articles about us in the newspapers, some even speculated that we were engaged.

I was getting equal amount of love and hate.

My Instagram was blowing up, I was getting follow requests every second, and I was glad that my account wasn't public like Hardik's was.

The whole week, everywhere we went, there were about atleast 20 paps with their stupid cameras in our faces.

Today, we decided to keep the paps waiting and not go anywhere.

" Reva, the pre season camp starts in two days, you will get in somewhere, stop panicking." Hardik said and I gave him a look.

" Easy for you to say, you already have a contract with one of the best teams in the league" I said and he gave me a "Really?" look.

" Excuse me, not one of the best, the only best team in the league. We are the defending champions Reva, C'mon." He shrugged.

" No. You are a narcissistic moron" I said and he threw another bunch of popcorn at me.

" Stop wasting them." I threatened and he rolled his eyes at me playfully.

" Tell me why are we watching this again? Neither of us like Liverpool or Chelsea." He said after a few minutes of silence.

" Because we can't go out " I shrugged.

" We can, we just don't want to." He said and I gave him a nod.

" Yes, because you might be used to all the fucking cameras and people screaming your name and running after you but I'm not. How do you do it everyday? Honestly, it's so exhausting" I said as he got up and switched off the TV.

" I kind of love it actually, it's fun. And it's very motivating to see all these people who love you, coming out in numbers and supporting you everywhere you go. I'm a lucky lad" he said and hopped back down on the couch.

" You're so cute" I said and pulled his cheek before giving him a peck on the lips.

" What do we do now?" I questioned and he shrugged.

" You wanna play foosball? I might let you win this time." He said and smirked.

I sucked at foosball.
I literally have zero hand eye coordination.

Literally everyone on the team tried teaching me and failed miserably.

" Jerk" I said as Hardik pulled me up from the couch.

We walked to the foosball table and I frowned at Hardik.

" Why can't we do something more fun? This is literally going to be just you scoring 10-15 goals in under 2 minutes. Weak team ke Sath score karke Kya fayda Hardik?" I said and he laughed.

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