The one with the "Almost".

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I had 2 rules for watching a horror movie.

1. Try avoiding looking at the screen as much as you could. Find anything else around you to look at but the screen. Bury you face in the blankets or the person sitting next to you

2. Think about anything and everything else. Do not think about the movie or people dying whatsoever.

The beginning of the movie wasn't that bad.

It was just the introduction of the family.

Because it's always a family, and it's always a true story.

I knew shit was going to go down when their dog died, the dog always dies.

Then came the first obvious jump scare.

I followed rule number 1 and hid my face in Hardik's chest.
I could smell his cologne and felt his grip tightening on me.

I heard a sound of a little girl crying for help, louder at first then it got quiter and quiter until it went absolutely silent.

I made a huge mistake of actually looking up at the screen from Hardik's chest and saw a body show up out of nowhere.

That was it.
I wrapped my arms around Hardik and squeezed him tight.
I was shaking and it was ridiculous.
I heard him chuckle and I let out a deep breath.

It continued like that for a while and I had a mini heart attack every time something even minor happened.

Hardik laced his fingers around mine, and I couldn't help but notice that they were huge compared to mine and his hand was warm.
He squeezed it tighter every time I got scared and screamed.

Then the room went silent I frantically cursed under my breath.
Something bad was gonna happen.
I knew it.
Hardik knew it.
The mother of the girl in the movie knew it.

As on qué the room was filled with an ear shattering scream and on instinct I gripped Hardik's shirt tighter and tried to bury my face deeper into his chest away from the screen.

The room went silent again and Hardik was stroking my back and whispering " It's over. It's over. I'm right here.   It's fine. It's not real" softly in my ear.

I looked up from his chest and his brown eyes met mine, our faces were so close to each other that I could feel his breath on my face.

This was The déjà vu moment.

I didn't look away and neither did he.

He brought his fingers to my cheek and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

Oh my God

" You're so beautiful" he whispered and a small smile crept on my face.

" Hardik" I whispered and he Hmmed in response.

" What are you doing?" I asked him and he flicked his tongue over his lips.

God, it's so hot when he does that.

" I don't know" he whispered back honestly.

My heart was beating so fast that I thought it would leap out of my chest any minute.

He leaned in slightly and I froze.

What is he doing?
And why am I not moving?

I looked into his eyes and he smiled down at me.

" Reva-------" he started but there was a loud bang on the door.

We quickly moved from our  "moment" and Hardik was on his feet walking towards the door, cursing under his breath.

Little Things | Hardik PandyaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora