The one with the new apartment.

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Reva's POV

I decided to order chinese for dinner after Hardik told me that he won't be home until after midnight.

I was exhausted, which was crazy because I didn't do absolutely any work the entire day.

After the Jason guy from Mumbai called , I decided to send out the
" It was a great opportunity, but I'm sorry I'm not going to work for you" mail to the Sunrisers.

It was a little weird that Mumbai offered me the job the minute Sunrisers hired someone else, but I decided to let it go for a while.

I thoroughly read the email Mumbai sent me and texted mum that I will be over tomorrow to pack my bags.

Today was the first time I was going to sleep at Hardik's place, last time I stayed over here was with Shriya and Shreyas.
Every other time we hung out at his place all day and then he dropped me home late night.
Today, he was coming home late, so I decided to stay over.

I needed to move out of my place soon.
I've had always had that in mind.
Everyone in my family had moved out of their parent's house after they landed a stable job that was enough to support them individually and the family, Dad did, chahu did, Reyansh did and now I was going to follow their footsteps.

I started saving money from the days of my internship, then Team India happened, they paid me well, and now when Mumbai Indians had happened, I was sure that I would have enough money to buy a house of my own by the end of the season.

After dinner, I decided to take a shower and search for apartments.

I changed into one of Hardik's many black t-shirts and my pair of blue shorts.

I settled down on the couch with my laptop and looked at apartments for the next couple of hours.

I marked down every single apartment that I liked and could afford and noted down the addresses in my phone.

After that, I texted mum that I was coming home to pack tomorrow, and then since I wasn't sleepy I looked at all the fancy apartments that were way out of my league, like Hardik's and then binged watched How I met your mother until the door bell rang.

I looked at the watch on my way to open the door, it was 1 am.

Wow that's late.

I opened the door and a very visibly tired Hardik stood in front of me.

" Hey" he said as he walked in and kissed my forehead and dropped his kit bag on the floor.

" Hey" I said as I walked with him back to the living room.

" I'll get you a glass of water" I said as he plopped down on the couch.

" From the fridge please" he called out after I walked into the kitchen.

I took a bottle from the fridge and poured down the water in a glass before walking back to the living room and sitting down beside him.

" Thank you" he said as he gulped down the water.

" How was practice?" I questioned as he put his head back on the couch and closed his eyes.

" Exhausting" he said and I gave him a nod.

" You should get some sleep." I whispered and his eyes fluttered open.

" What are you doing up so late?" He said clearly changing the subject.

I decided not to push it and answered his question.

" I was looking for apartments." I said and he looked at me in confusion.

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