The one with the road trip to the lake house.

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" Hardik, you have to get up, now. We're going to be late!" I shook his arm again.

I had already dressed and our bags were placed in the car and I had given him as much time to sleep as possible.

Day before yesterday I got a call from him and he said he wanted to see me.

I was done fighting, fighting with him,  fighting my feelings for him that were too strong to ignore.

I didn't think twice before getting into my car and driving to our apartment.

When he opened the door, all I wanted to do was throw my arms around him and never let go.
I didn't.

I walked in and we talked.
About everything, about what went wrong and why it went wrong, about how we can fix it and about how we both really really wanted to.

We both realised that we loved each other with all our hearts and we weren't going anywhere.

" No, I'm not going" he groaned.

" Please get up!" I whined and tugged at his arm again.

" No, go away" he said covering his face with a pillow. I grabbed it and tossed it on the floor.

I decided to take a different approach and ruffled his hair before tugging at it and screaming, 

His eyes immediately flew open and he gave me a half smile.

" Well Good morning to you too"

" Get up" I said again. 

He pretended to be asleep again, making loud noises to mock that he's snoring. It's playful and adorable and I wanted to kiss him right there but we were late and this man needed to get up immediately.

" Fine, I'm leaving without you" I said and pretended to walk out of the room. 

" okay, okay I'm up" he said and got out of bed. 

" Do I atleast have the time to shower?" His tone was sarcastic and his voice was raspy from sleep. 

" You watch the tone. And yes, 10 minutes." I said and he rolled his eyes at me before grabbing his white t-shirt and walking to the shower.

I took a quick tour of the apartment to check if everything was in order. 

Exactly 7 minutes later, Hardik showed up in the living room.

" Where are our bags?" He questioned.

" Manish took them down when he came up to grab his car keys "

" Manish is here already?" 

" Everyone is and if we don't hurry, I'm pretty sure they're gonna leave without us" he gave me a nod and we finally left.

Manish, Kl, Krunal and Shreyas were all ready and waiting for us in the driveway when we arrived. 

" Well took you long enough" Kl said and Hardik threw him a look before saying " Oh fuck off Kl" 

He laughed and rubbed his hands together. 

" So the other boys are in the other car which will be here in about 3 minutes if Virat is driving and 30 minutes if Rohit is" 

Everyone laughed and I shook my head at him.

" Hey, he's not that bad. It's just that the  traffic in Mumbai is a bitch"  

" Reva, we all know that you're on his side because you're both from Mumbai and have some sort of weird obsession with it" Kl said and I shrugged 

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