The one where they share a room.

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The celebrations of Hardik's century didn't stop even after we reached the hotel.
The hotel had a cake for the entire team in the lobby to celebrate the win.

As soon as Hardik put a knife through it, the cake was in his face and then in everybody else's.

I succeeded at saving myself from the attack for a couple of minutes by hiding behind one of the massive pillars in the lobby, but Rohit found me and carried me out from my hiding space and into the wild.

Within seconds, My face and hair were covered with the once beautiful chocolate cake.

After the boys were back to being their old gentlemen selves, and cleaning themselves up as much as they could,  Virat , I and Ravi sir had a discussion about where I was going to crash for the night.

" I don't mind getting you a room, but we are all gonna go for dinner after this and it gets pretty late and we have an early morning flight to Indore tomorrow. So it's basically just pointless" Ravi sir explained to me and I nodded.

" You could crash in one of our rooms, ofcourse if you're okay with it and you too Ravi Bhai" Virat suggested.

I knew where this conversation was going to go after this.

" Yeah, that could work, you could crash at Manish's, since you got along with him pretty well this morning at breakfast, I'll ask him to sleep on the couch or move to someone else's room" Ravi Bhai said and Virat shook his head.


Here we go.

" Or, she could crash in Hardik's room. They get along great. He dropped her off yesterday and today morning they showed up at breakfast together, they even sit together in the bus, so I don't think that will be a problem" He said and smirked at me.

Ravi Bhai waited for me to say something.

I do get along pretty well with Hardik.
And my bags are already in his room and I enjoy his company and crashing in his room doesn't sound like a terrible idea.

Oh. What the heck.

" Sure. I don't mind" I shrugged,  Ravi Bhai gave me a smile and Virat nudged me and smirked.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him to hide the pink on my cheeks.

Virat called for Hardik and he came over to us running his hand over his hair trying to get some cake off it.

" Bolo" he said and put his arm around my shoulder.

" She'll be sleeping in your room  tonight. You either take the couch or move to someone else's room. Now I understand you both are young and have active hormones, but no funny business. You get it? None at all. " Ravi Bhai warned us and I went into a coughing fit.

Virat laughed and Hardik tightened his grip around my shoulders and stroked my back.

His touch sent shivers down my spine and  I stepped away from him to avoid further embarrassment.

Virat handed me water and I gulped it down before turning to Ravi Bhai.

" I understand" I said and he nodded and turned to Hardik.

He put his hands up in fake surrender.

" No funny business. Got it" he said and Ravi Bhai patted his shoulder before walking away from us.

" I'll leave you roomies alone. " Virat said, wiggled his eyebrows and smirked.

I threw some water at him and he laughed before walking away.

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