The one where they tell her best friend.

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Me and Hardik hung out together the entire week.

We took turns to choose what place we were gonna go.

He took me to the beach on Friday and I had to run for my life when a hoard of fans chased him.

He just stood there calmly and chatted and took pictures and signed autographs.

We decided to be careful and not be seen together in public more often, because the media would never just see us hanging out as Friends.
We knew they would make some bizzare theories up about us being together and although, it was true, it was too soon to go public with the realtionship.

We understood that and we hung out at his place the rest of the weekend.

Krunal and KL and coach knew about us and we decided to tell the rest of the team when we meet them for the South Africa tour.

" Are you not going to tell anyone about us?" Hardik asked me while I was making pasta in his kitchen on Sunday afternoon.

" I have to tell my best friend. If she reads all the rumours  somewhere, she's going to kill me, then hunt you down and kill you too. " I told him and he chuckled.

" Well then, invite her over for dinner tonight, we'll tell her together. You got to tell my best friend so I get to tell yours. " He said and hopped on the kitchen island.

" It's cute and sad , that your brother is your best friend" I said and he rolled his eyes.

" I was talking about Kl"

" Sure. Sure. Anyway, you sure you wanna meet her and tell her? I mean she's a handful. " I told him

Shriya Rao was my best friend of 20 years. We met when we were in playgroup and were inseparable since.
She's family and I don't know what I would do without her.

I couldn't keep my realtionship from her.
She would find out somehow anyway.
She has this bizzare seventh sense.
It's crazy.

Last night, out of the blue she texted me saying " You know, ever since you came back from that tour, you've been acting so weird. Is there something you aren't telling me?"

I knew it was time to spill the beans.
I don't know why I kept it from her in the first place.

" Well, I've been handling you pretty great for the past few weeks, I think I'll be fine. Invite her over. " Hardik said breaking my Chain of thoughts.

" Okay. " I said and picked up my phone from the kitchen counter and texted Shriya.

Reva: Cancel all your plans for tonight. We're having dinner together.

She texted me back almost immediately.

BestFriend: I don't have any plans since my best friend is being a bitch lately. So sure, I'm in. Where do I meet you?

I quickly typed a reply

Reva:  I'll text you the address. I'll see you at 7.

I gave my phone to Hardik and told him to type his address.

He gave it back and I hit sent.
Moments later I received a reply from her.

BestFriend: Whose place is this?

Reva: Arey tuje Kya Karna hai, I'm not kidnapping you or anything, vo karke kisika Kuch fayda Nahi hoga. Quit  questions and meet me at 8.

I typed and hit sent as I took the dishes out from the drawer and served the pasta in it.

BestFriend: Whatever. You're a bitch.

Little Things | Hardik PandyaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang