Part 24- Everything has changed

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Bethany's POV-

I woke up. It was still dark and Vik was asleep beside me. Josh was working silently. I crept out of bed and wandered out into the halls. I loved these halls. They were the start of something beautiful. Something he fucked up. I sighed and wandered around aimlessly. I peered into Simon's room. He was on Skype with Talia so I darted back out instantly. Only one place to go. I carefully pushed open JJ's door. Our eyes met and instantly my heart melted.

"You alright Bee?" He asked. I shook my head before I silently started crying. He ran up to me and pulled me into a hug. It was warm comforting hug. I tried resisting but ultimately relaxed into his embrace. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. We wandered over to the bed and he placed me down before pulling me into a seat between his legs. I fell into his chest and felt his arms wrap around me like instinct, "it's all gonna be ok baby girl." He hummed. A small smile placed on my face as he planted a kiss on my forehead. Before quickly being replaced with tears.

"It-it's Joe." I sniffed. I instantly felt him tense up.

"What has he done?" He asked, a cold tone in his voice.

"He hit me. He slapped me and pushed me to the ground and I don't know what to do! Everything's so complicated." I cried. JJ's arms softened around me.

"I might have to fucking kill him. But you're right, everything seems to have changed." He said.

"Everything has changed." I pulled on the has. It wasn't a question, life is different and difficult and I don't like it. Not one bit.

"Sometimes change is for the best." He sighed.

"No. I liked it before." I grumbled.

"When was before?" He asked.

"When we were together, before when I was enough. When everyday was like an X rated Disney movie and there was never a thought that the other didn't know about. When Joe was a drunken mistake and we, us, we were a team." I said ending up nearly whispering as I realised I had spilled it all to the guy I was talking about. I am an idiot.

"Bee you were always enough. It was my fault. I got drunk and this girl was coming on to me. It's a shit excuse, because you were enough and I loved you. I didn't like that I had fallen in love because I don't fall  in love. Well clearly I do." He sighed. I sat in silence, he loved me? He should have said so. Idiot, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

"No. I'm glad you did. I- I loved you too." I admitted.

"I hate that it's loved." He said.

"Well, it's not. There is nothing past tense about it." I looked up at him. Our eyes piercing into one another's soul.

"Would it be bad if, if I kissed you?" He asked. I smiled and pulled his lips onto mine. His hands cupped my cheeks, his warm hands instantly warming me. We pulled out and returned to our cuddle he turned on the TV and we watched High School Musical because we are adults. His hand wrapped around me made me feel safe and happy for the first time in a while. Sure, everyone will call me an idiot but I can't help but falling for this idiot.

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