Chapter 17: Recrimination

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The next day....

Riku woke up early so he could take care of Ayana and provide her anything she needs. Kaito was doing the same, he just got back bringing Ayana's new favorite food coming exclusively from Suna.

Ayana would often show exaggerated excitement towards food, but today, she was less energetic. Riku noticed this immediately.

Kaito: I bought you your favorite Ayana! Kenichi-san gave me a extra discount so I bought 4 for all of us, two for you of course.

Riku: You have to eat a lot so you could recover fast.

Ayana: Thank you, Kaito, you're so thoughtful as always.

Kaito noticed how gloomy Ayana sounds.

Kaito: Ayana...are you okay...? Your tone sounds concerning...

Ayana: Oh uh...yeah! I think, I still feel a bit of pain from the incident. But I'll be fine!

Kaito and Riku just looked at each other, they knew she was lying, but at the same time they do not wish to pressure her.

Riku: You can take the meds again if you really can't handle the pain anymore.

Ayana: I will, Riku, don't worry.

She started eating the food Kaito bought for her, she was eating it as if she had no interest on the food. Ayana's actions was concerning, there was really something bothering her for sure, and that is the incident that happened just yesterday.

As they do not want to pressure her, they just joined her eating. The silence was quite awkward, so Kaito tried to break it.

Kaito: Soooo, do you want me to continue the story of the chicken I was telling last week?

Riku: You're still up to that?

Kaito: Why? It's a great story, Ayana laughs to it, that means she likes it.

She wasn't answering, nor giving any comment.

Kaito: So um, where do I last left off?

Riku: I think you already finished telling that.

Kaito: I could create one again! Hmmmm, maybe I should write my ideas down.

Ayana: Kaito, Riku...

They looked at her, waiting for her response.

Ayana: Can I take a short stroll in the village...?

Riku: Ayana, you just came from that incident. I think it's dangerous for you to go outside.

Kaito: Riku, locking her here is wrong.

Riku: I didn't mean exactly locking her here. I just feel like that one will happen again if she didn't let the attack get down for the moment, the attacker might come and get her again.

Kaito: I understand that, but the Kazekage won't send suna-nin without a reason. I'm sure they tighten their security to avoid more accidents like that.

Ayana: Actually, I...just wanted to see Gaara.

What Ayana said made Riku somewhat upset, he was silenced.

Kaito: Ohh, the Kazekage. That's fine! Do you want me or Riku to take you there? Riku want to make sure of your safety.

Ayana: Okay.

Kaito: When do you want to leave?

Ayana: Before dinner.

Kaito: Copy that.

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