~: Fallon Grace Jenson :~

164 3 10


Species: Fallen Angel

Gender: Female

Age: 18-25 (Varies depending on roleplay)

Sexuality: Bisexual


Personality: Fallon would be considered a tomboy

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Personality: Fallon would be considered a tomboy. She interacts more with guys, not because of the fact that she wants to get with them, but because she thinks they're easier to talk to than other girls as they're not as prone to drama as many other girls are. To her guys are a lot easier with conversation compared to the unnecessary drama that sometimes comes with prissy girls who talk to her. Fallon is also headstrong, and when she puts her mind to something, she'll follow through with it. She has gotten into a bit of trouble when it comes to this though, and throughout her life has also ended up committing a couple crimes and such because of it, which has definitely made her more rebellious than some, but also knowledgeable of the streets, which is both a good and bad thing.

Likes: Skateboarding, the color navy blue, gray, black, starting fights, getting into trouble, sports, excitement, dogs, turtles, animals in general, stargazing, swimming, freedom, rare cuddles.

Dislikes: Bright colored clothing, girly things, abuse, goody-two shoes girls, know-it-all's, fakers, drama queens, frilly things, desperate people, the color pink, cops, clingy people, being outdone.



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Her Original Wings:

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Her Original Wings:

Her Original Wings:

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