~: Colton Oliver Wood :~

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Age: 16-25(Age will vary)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual



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Personality: Colton

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Personality: Colton.. Colton's a rather.. troublesome guy. In fact, trouble usually follows him practically wherever he goes. Sometimes it'll lead him into fights. Other times he'll be flirting just to get by, or to manipulate a situation that he had gotten into to order to get out of, such as theft or vandalism. He's had a tad bit of a habit in this way in wanting to get attention, whether good or bad. It doesn't matter to him as long as he gets it, and of course there is a reason as to why, but he never would actually admit it or admit to it. In a way for him, it's like a reassurance that he's still there. That in some way, somebody might actually care for or about him. That he's actually a valid person.

Likes: Trouble, causing trouble, mischief, attention, having fun, flirting every once in a while, the thought of being cared about, baking and cuddles(secretly), making a scene sometimes, etc.

Dislikes: Being ignored, people looking down on him, snobbish people, people who think they're above him, disrespect(despite the fact that he'll give it back), when people don't take his words into consideration when making decisions.

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