~: Jacob and Jeremy Morrison :~

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Name: Jacob Asher Morrison

Nickname(s): Jake

Age: 16-25(Age will vary)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual(Leans a little more toward males)



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Personality: Jacob is a very sweet boy, yet a little more on the quiet side of things

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Personality: Jacob is a very sweet boy, yet a little more on the quiet side of things. He's not the biggest talker, and usually lets his brother do the talking for him most of the time, but doesn't mean he won't put in his word if need be. He's considerate, kind, and rather thoughtful, though honestly happens to trust rather easily which can make him a bit gullible. It happens quite a bit too, actually where he has gotten into trouble because of it, and can be easily manipulated.

Likes: Quiet areas, reading, baking, his brother being around, long walks, etc.

Dislikes: Loud noises and crowded places, if his brother is ever hurt or in pain, etc.

Name: Jeremy Benjamin Morrison

Nickname(s): Jer Jer, Remy

Age: 17-28(Age will vary)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual



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Personality: Jeremy is a very laidback and relaxed kinda guy

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Personality: Jeremy is a very laidback and relaxed kinda guy. You'll never really see him too much in a hurry unless absolutely necessary. He's loyal, there for others, and especially his friends if they're in need or need help. He's loyal to a fault, but break his trust, and you may not get it back again, or you'll have to work for it. One of the two.  He's patient though, and will listen if you need to have a good long talk or vent, giving advice when he presumes it's the right time.  Though don't dismiss his laidback attitude for him being a pushover, as he really isn't. If he deems it the time to speak up about something, then he will. Nothing will stop him from speaking his mind, and he will even fight if necessary.

Likes: Sports, being with his friends, relaxed environments, etc.

Dislikes: Lots of drama, feuding and fighting, cold weather, way too much attention, etc.

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