~: Gabriel Anthony Gallagher

31 4 3

Nickname(s): Gabe

Age: 18-29(Age will vary)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual



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Personality: Gabriel, to the trained eye and close up, comes off as a very

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Personality: Gabriel, to the trained eye and close up, comes off as a very.. stoic man. Very cold and a little along the lines of intimidating to many. More often than not he scares people off just from looking at them or glaring, though, in a way, to him he doesn't all entirely mind it. He's used to doing things on his own and is exceptionally independent as well as stand-offish. He isn't the type to walk right up to a person to strike up a conversation, no sir, in fact he strays away from people and large groups. Though, if you do happen to get close to him and he actually allows for any interaction, consider yourself lucky as he doesn't get like that with people. Honestly, it's rare if he even remotely gets close to a person let alone let them in. But, again, if you do get close and get to truly know him, he's very protective and exceptionally loyal toward those he cares about. Very, very protective.   On another hand though, he can get agitated more so in the sense of if you're talking to him and messing with him, be very carful as if you pick on one of the things about him or something he considers to be good at, he'll probably blow a fuse. If you're just nagging him sure he'll get irritated, but he won't blow up whereas if you hit home on one of the subjects he actually cares about, you're probably in for a world of pain.

Likes: Improving himself, when he can get alone time in, being in control of his own life and what he can do, training when he can, etc.

Dislikes: Super chaotic areas or loud and rambunctious people, people who try to pester or nag him, annoying or stupid questions, etc.

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