Chapter 3

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A/n: sorry for not updating lately I'm kinda in a rough place right now but I'm here now so we good 😂👌
Your POV
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You open your eyes and immediately reach for your phone to see if Tyler had texted you. To your surprise, he had. Smiling, you opened the text.

Ty 🙃: Hey weirdo wanna hang out today?

You quickly reply.

You: Definitely! What time?

Not even a second later he replied.

Ty 🙃:  How about 4?

You: Perfect, see ya soon!

You turn off your phone and take a quick shower.

You step out of the shower and slip on the clothes you had picked out previously. A pair of jeans and a Panic! Shirt. You slip on some socks, and do your makeup, finishing off by braiding your hair to the side.

You checked the time. It was  3: 54. You sighed.

Could time go any slower?

You slip on your converse and patiently wait for Tyler. In the meantime you began to think of random things.

What if Tyler likes me? Do I like Tyler? I mean I find him attractive so does that mean I like him? Why do I feel this way?

You jump as you hear the doorbell ring. You pet Izzy goodbye and head out.

"Hey," you say to Tyler as you climb into his car. "Where are we going today?" You ask him.

"Well I was thinking we can go to that cafe and hang for a little bit." He said starting the car.

"Sounds fun." You say laughing.

- Small Time Skip -

Tyler and you had arrived at the small cafe far from town. You get out of the car, and head towards the door, but Tyler had quickly beat you to it. He held the door open allowing you to step inside.

"Why thank you." You say to him smiling.

"No problem." He said back confidently.

You both walk to a booth in the far back and sit down. "Do you want anything?" Tyler questioned.

"No thank you." You said back.

He sits down in front of you, and begins to talk. "So, (y/n) tell me something about you that I don't know." He said seriously while looking into your (e/c) eyes.

You think for a minute and decide wether or not to tell Tyler the biggest secret you have. Only your mom, Josh, and sister know. You decided to go ahead and tell him.

"I used to be in a abusive relationship." You say with a deep breath.

You could see the sadness in his eyes when you said that. "That's terrible, no one should treat you that way. You don't deserve it, nobody does." He said looking you in the eyes with a forgiving look.

Why would Tyler care so much?

"It doesn't matter, I mean it's not like I matter or anything." You say, muttering the last part under your breath.

"You do matter, to me at least." He said to you.

You look up and lock eyes with him. And at that moment you knew what you wanted.
Yeet I got it done!!!! I love you guys and thanks for the love back 💕💕💕💕💕

527 words

// much love, Ry 💖 \\

Growing Sparks // Tyler Joseph X Reader Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat