Chapter 14

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Your POV
You woke up, feeling no Tyler by your side. You shot up, and looked around.

Where is he?

You shrugged your shoulders, and headed into the bathroom. You grabbed your hairbrush and gently brushed your hair, whilst humming northern downpour. Just as you had finished, Tyler walked up behind you and hugged you from behind. You smiled slightly.

"Did Josh and Debby make it home?" You asked.

"Yeah, Josh called and said he made it home fine." Tyler said hugging you tighter.

"That's good," you said yawning. "What time is it?" You asked.

"12:34." Tyler said.

You nodded your head slightly, and walked to your closet.

"What to wear, what to wear?" You said to yourself.

"I got this." Tyler said pushing you to the side.

"Ok Ty I'm trusting you." You said laughing.

You sat on your bed watching Tyler look around in your closet.

"Hey Izzy." You said reaching down and petting the dog. She wagged her tail.

Tyler turned around, and questioned you. "Why do you own this?" Tyler asked holding an outfit you had previously put together. It was a pair of fishnet leggings , black shorts, and a revealing crop top.

You laughed and sighed. "Last year me and my friend, well used to be friend, did the challenge where you pick out an outfit for each other and yeah." You said chuckling.

"Mkay." He said turning around, and putting the outfit away. Not even 2 minutes later Tyler turned around and threw an outfit at you. (Pic above)

You sarcastically smiled, and headed towards the bathroom, quickly putting it on.

Surprisingly, Tyler did pretty well. Being satisfied with the outfit choice, you walked out of the bathroom with a smile on your face.

"Not bad Joseph." You said looking in your mirror again.

"Actually it's designer Joseph for your information." Tyler said sassily.

You chuckled and walked downstairs, but stopped halfway. "Quick they're coming! Hide!" You hear your sister whisper yell.

You knew exactly what was going on. Tyler looked at you confused. You rolled your eyes, and pulled him close. "Boyfriend." You whispered.

Tyler gave you the 'oh' look, and you both walked downstairs.

"Hey Tess." You simply said, acting like you didn't hear anything.

"Hey," She said nervously. "How was the trip?" She asked getting up.

"Good, good," you said looking her up and down. She smiled. "How are you and Daniel?" You say, referring to her 17 year old boyfriend.

Her head shot up as you said his name. "Good I guess."

"You guys haven't had sex have you?" You asked her.

"(Y/n)!" She said. Tyler chuckled.

"But seriously have you?" You asked her.

"It doesn't even matter if we have anyways, I'm not underaged or anything, he's 17 not 18." She said rambling.

You hum in response, and walk over to the closet that held shoes. "Wait! What are you doing?" Tessa said running up to you.

"Getting my shoes, why?" You asked her.

"Oh, um wear mine." She said quickly.

"Don't you need them?" I asked her laughing.

Growing Sparks // Tyler Joseph X Reader Where stories live. Discover now