Chapter 20

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Sorry for being gone school ended like forever ago but now I'm ready to update all summer! Also so my birthday was like a week or something ago but...... YO GIRL IS SEEING PANIC! LIVE!!!!!! Ok ok I'm ready! Please enjoy!!
Your POV

"And here we have a magical sleeping (y/n)," you heard as you stirred in your sleep.

"Oh it looks like she's waking up!" You made the voice out to be Brendon's.

You awoke with a phone in your face and of course a grinning brendon standing right behind it.

"Brendon Urie get that out of my face." You say while turning over.

"Someone's a little feisty in the mornings," Brendon said with a chuckle. "And on this lower bunk we have Tyler's but he's outside on the phone right now."

After about 30 minutes later and Brendon ending his live show you climb out of your bunk and start grabbing your makeup and clothes.

You applied very little foundation, concealer and of course eyeliner and mascara. You chose (pic above) for your outfit.

"Good morning weirdo." Tyler said hugging you from behind.

"Good morning," you somehow managed to say seeing as though you were brushing your teeth.

"So I got a call today," he began. You hum in response. "It was about an interview for me and Josh but they want us to bring you, and since I was outside on the phone and you were inside, still asleep, I went ahead and said sure." He said.

You washed your mouth out, and wiped your face. "I'm fine with that." You said beginning to brush your hair.

"So since your 100% ok with it I was thinking maybe we could go public with our relationship." Tyler said.

"I mean if your ready I am too." You say looking at him finishing off with your hair.

"Hey Ty can you hand me that straightener." You said.

Tyler handed it to you and you began working on your hair.

"Ok well I'm gonna get ready cause the interview is in about 40 minutes." Tyler said walking out.

- small time skip -

"Let's get this over with." Josh said as you and Tyler followed behind hand in hand.

"You sure you wanna do this?" Tyler asked.

"I'm positive."

He leaned down and gave you a peck on the lips and you both walked in.

As you all sat down where they instructed you to, you turned towards Tyler.

"So what are they all doing?" You asked.

"They're setting up for tonight's show and then after the interview we'll head over there." Tyler replied.

"Ok guys! Ready to start the interview?" The woman asked.

You all nodded your heads.

"Alright and we are live in 5 4 3 2 1."

"Today we are joined by Twenty One Pilots and there friend (y/n) (l/n)!" She began.

"So I'm sure the fans are dying to know about (y/n) so we'll get to Josh and Tyler soon after we ask miss (y/n) and few questions."

"Sounds good to me." Tyler said while smiling at you.

"So (y/n) how did you meet Josh and Tyler?" She asked.

"Well I met Josh when I was born basically," you said with a chuckle. "So our moms are like best friends and we were born close to each other and then he just introduced me to Tyler about 5 months ago." You said.

"Well that's cool! Ok I'll ask 1 more question!" She said. You nodded your head. "Who do you like better Josh or Tyler?" She questioned.

"Oh come on definitely both I can't just choose they're both my best friends!" You said back.

"Ok ok fair enough, so I asked the fans to send in some questions and we got quite a few, so I'll start with this one, Josh why did you and Debby break up?"

"Oh um well she just wasn't the kind of person I wanted to be around." He said.

She nodded her head. "And this one I got a lot, but Tyler are you and (y/n) dating?"

You looked at Tyler and he looked back.

"Yes we are actually!"
This took me so long to write because I kept getting distracted so it took like 6 days.... rip 😂😂


// much love, Ry 💖 \\

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