Chapter 25

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A/n:::: schools gonna start in about a month, and that makes me wanna die even more 👌
Your POV

As the flight came close to ending, you put your computer away and texted Tyler.

You: Hey Ty. I'm about to land 🙃

Ty ♥️: okay, we all miss you tons already. See ya in 9 days 💛

You: definitely ♥️ Love you!

Ty ♥️: Love you too 💛

You put your phone away as the plane lands. (A/n: I've never been on a plane so go along with it 😂)

As everyone hustles out of the plane, on their way to see all the exciting things, to see their families, to find their loved ones, you walk towards the baggage areas to claim your suitcase. While waiting, a few familiar faces catch your eye, and apparently they noticed you too.

"(Y/n)!" Tessa said as she ran over too you. You pulled your little sister into a hug.

"Hey Tess, hows it going?" You ask her as you see your bag. You reach over and grab it. "Where's mom?" You asked her.

"She's over there." Tessa said pointing to your mom. "Alright well let's go!" You said as you walked towards her.

"Hey mom!" You say as you put your suitcase down to hug her.

"Hey sweetie! We missed you." She said as you guys began walking to her car. You put your stuff in the back and climb in the front seat.

"Can I stay the night at your house?" Tessa asked.

"I don't see why not," you say as you pulled out your phone.

"Mom! Can I stay at (Y/n)'s house? Please!" Tessa asked.

"Sure," She said. Still focusing on the road she started a conversation.

"So how was the tour?" Your mom said, asking curiously.

"The first part wasn't the best, but I got used too it and it became one of the best things I've done!" You replied.

"How are you and Tyler?" She asked, looking at you for a split second.

You look back. "Good," You said.

"Better than the last one." She commented.

"There's no denying that." You replied.

"Izzy is gonna be so excited to see you." Tessa said from the back seat.

"I hope so, I miss her a lot." You said with a chuckle. After a few moments of silence Tessa spoke up, just before your mom pulled into your driveway.

"(Y/n)," she said.


"Do you love Tyler?"

You stop for a second and look at your mom as she takes the keys out of the ignition.

"Yeah, I do actually. A whole lot."

Hey guys, sorry for not updating lately, I know I say that a lot but recently it's been really hectic at home. I've been EXTREMELY busy. So I apologize.

469 words.

// Much love, Ry 💖 \\

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