Chapter 4

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Your POV
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You and Tyler were still at the cafe, but you were about to leave. You excused yourself as you went towards the restrooms.

Walking in you make sure no one was in there. Seeing as there was 0 people, you began to pace back and forth, but immediately stopping seeing as someone walked in. You walk out quickly towards Tyler.

"Ok I'm re-," you say stopping mid sentence. You look behind Ty suddenly realizing who just sat down at a table. Thankfully, that person hasn't noticed you yet.

"Tyler we need to go like now." You say quietly as you start to freak out.

"Hey, calm down what's wrong?" Tyler asks grabbing your wrist, and pulling you ever so slightly closer to him. Before you could explain you looked at him, and he looked at you. At that moment you felt fear like you've never felt it before. The guy was Asher, your abusive ex that had put you in the hospital many times from all the terrible things he's done.

"It's my ex, Ty." You say quickly.

"Shit! Let's go." He said, still holding onto your wrist. He pulled you to his car and you both got in, not worried about seatbelts.

Halfway down the road you start to cry. "I'm sorry Ty, I didn't expect him to-." Tyler had pulled over on the side of the road, and leaned over to you. Both of your faces only inches apart. "Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. I need you to breathe and trust me. I'm gonna take you home and then I'm gonna stay with you all night cause I don't trust that guy."

You nodded your head, and Tyler got situated back into his seat.


Tyler's POV

I should've kissed her back there, it would've been perfect timing, but she was a mess, and I don't think she would've appreciated it much. I look at (y/n), and she was asleep.

I step out of the car and go to her side, quickly but carefully scooping her up in my arms.

Your POV

You stir in your sleep a little bit. "Ty?" You questioned.

"Go back to sleep princess." He mumbled back.

Before listening to his "command" you started to 'fangirl'.


You smile and drift off back to sleep.
I was gonna continue it but I felt this was a good place to end ya know 👌👌

416 words

    // Much love, Ry 💖 \\

Growing Sparks // Tyler Joseph X Reader Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant