Chapter 21

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Your POV
You and Tyler walked out of the building hand in hand happily smiling, with a 'single' Josh following behind.

"Does this mean I can post third wheel pictures?" Josh asked.

Tyler chuckled and you replied, "I guess so."

You all continued walking, but ended up stopping at a gas station cause Josh was "thirsty".

You and Tyler both waited outside as Josh bought a fountain drink for himself and Tyler. You decided to pass as your stomach began to hurt. Not horrible pain but it definitely wasn't pleasant.

You did your best to ignore it as you and Tyler talked.

For a minutes you both sat there in silence before Tyler spoke sweetly.

"You're beautiful you know that." Tyler said smiling. You blushed and looked away. "Thank you." You replied.

As the pain continued to grow it hurt like a bitch.

"Hey I need to sit down." You said as the pain got worse.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asked in a caring way.

"Yeah I'm fine just stomach cramps, I'm probably gonna start soon." You said brushing it to the side.

You didn't wanna worry Tyler or stress him out. Besides it probably really was nothing. Unless it was that one thing, which you hoped it wasn't.

A minute later Josh came back out with a large fountain drink and a burrito.

"I thought you were getting a drink." Tyler said.

"Hey a man gets hungry." Josh said shrugging it off.

Despite the pain and thinking any you laughed and felt the pain double as you stood up.

You bent over and clutched your stomach slightly taking in a deep breath.

"Baby, are you sure your okay?" Tyler asked helping you stand up straight again.

"Yeah, I'm sure." You said back with a reassuring smile.

~ Small Time Skip ~

It was show time for Tyler and Josh. Your stomach was still hurting tremendously so you sat against an unused piece of equipment.

You began to feel light headed as Brendon walked by and sat beside you.

"Brendon," you began as you noticed the world starting to spin.

"Yeah?" He questioned.

"Why do you have 3 heads?" You asked.

"(Y/n) I hate to ask, but are you high?" He said back.

"I don't think so," you said as you tried to stand up.

"I don't think standing is a good idea." Brendon said pulling you back down.

"I just really don't feel good," you said as your words slowed down.

"Here I'm gonna take you to get some water." Brendon said standing up. He gently picked you up and carried you bridal style somewhere. With the world still spinning behind you, Brendon somehow managed to carry you to his dressing room.

Brendon's POV

"Here drink this," I said handing (y/n) a water. I'm really concerned for her right now.

As she unscrewed the water bottle she managed to miss her mouth and pour it all over herself.

"Woah (y/n)," I said getting up and walking towards her.

She passed out and was currently unconscious. "Ah shit." I said rushing out to get the emergency medical team.

As doing so I ran into Tyler and Josh.

"Where's (y/n)?" They both asked in sync.

"She's currently unconscious in my dressing room getting medical attention." I said out of breath.

A worried Tyler and Josh took off pass me.

I hope (y/n) is gonna be ok.
My head hurts. Also from June 14th till June 24th I can't promise and update cause I'll be in Florida, so I apologize for that.

601 words

// much love, Ry 💖 \\

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