Chapter 23

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Your POV
You awoke to an empty tour bus, confused and wondering where every one had run off to.

You were apparently stopped at an empty gas station. You made yourself look semi presentable and walked into the gas station with your wallet.

"Good morning!" A sleepy Josh said.

"Good mor-" Tyler cut you off almost immediately.

"Do you feel ok? Did you sleep well?" He asked.

"Yeah, I slept fine and I don't hurt anywhere." You said. You looked at Josh and he chuckled.

"So why are we at a gas station?" You asked.

"Brendon wanted to get snacks and stuff so we decided to stop to cause like why not." Tyler said back, trying to look at all the snacks on the shelves.

"In that case I'm gonna get me a few things," you said as you took off towards the snacks.

You picked up; a pack of slim Jim's, sour gummy worms, a bag of chips, and a large snickers bar.
(Guys I'm freaking starving rn idk what to do (it's literally 12:42 in the "morning") help)

"Dang, hungry much?" Josh asks with a slight chuckle. You playfully roll your eyes and move up to pay for your snacks. Once you finish everyone decided it was time to get back on the road. The next stop was: Idaho.

        / berry bittle time skip \

"Josh! Tyler! Can I talk to you guys?" You say.

"Yeah sure!" They both say in unison.

"So I really love being on tour and everything, but I'm starting to get homesick and I kinda wanna go home." You say sadly.

"Oh we understand." Josh said.

"Yeah we can buy you a plane ticket for tomorrow," Tyler said.

"Really? Thanks for understanding guys! I love you both."

"And we love you." They said.

Okay sorry for the short update AGAIN I KNOW CLAM DOWN, anyways so it'll get better in a few chapters, I promise!

329 words

// much love, Ry 💖 \\

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