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After their hangout Soarin went back to his house, while Rainbow Dash went to her room and started reading one of her Daring Do books, because you she is a huge fan of Daring Do and read her books 12 times each.

But after she finished her book she couldn't help but think about Soarin and felt like this was love that just accured, then her pet tortoise, Tank went to Rainbow Dash to see if she's okay.

"Oh Hey Tank." Rainbow Dash said as she was petting her tortoise and giving him a piece of leatuce, "So what do think of your new flying helmet for your shell?"

Tank gave her a smile and snuggled her with his neck telling her that he likes it, "glad you like it Tank." She said with a smirk, then she started to think about Soarin again, "Oh Tank tonight has been the best, first he saved me from a fire, we both have some things in common and he asked me to hang out with him, Tank do you think it's okay if I told you that I like more than a friend? Rainbow Dash asked her pet tortoise who nodded yes.

"Thanks Tank, I knew you'd agree, and I think you that I'm ... falling for him." She said as she was blushing, and looked at the windows.

Then as she was staring at the window, music began to play and she began to sing.

Rainbow Dash: The day started ordinary 

Boys walking by

It was the same old story

Too fresh or too shy

I'm not the kind to fall for a guy

Who flashes a smile

It goes on for miles

When usually swoon

But I'm over the moon

He was just too cool for school

And now I'm falling for ya

Falling for ya

I know I shouldn't but I

I just can't stop myself from

Falling for ya 

Falling for ya 

Can't hold on any longer

And now I'm falling for you 

Now we're going steady

He's the cat's meow 

He says I'm a Betty

And we'd paint the town

I'm not the kind to fall for a guy

Just because he says hi

When he's cruisin' by

He's ready to race

And I'm catching his gaze

That'll go on like this

For days

And now I'm falling for ya 

Falling for ya 

I know I shouldn't but I

I just can't stop myself from

Falling for ya 

Falling for ya 

Can't hold on any longer

And now I'm falling for ya 

It feels like I tumbled from another world

Into your arms and it's so secure

Maybe I'll stumble but I know for sure

Head over heals

I'm gonna be your girl

"* Thank you so much Soarin, I really needed to hear that."

"Wow you were an MVP at your school when you were 7 years old? That is so cool"

"Yeah, though I sometimes don't like the attention, because people only see me as a famous soccer player."

"Aw don't worry, when I see you, you're actually a pretty good friend, no fame and fortune needed."

"Really thanks, that really cheered me up a little."

" Wow Soarin, you have a very nice voice."

"Thanks, me and my friends have been known to sing from time to time, and you the most beautiful voice anyone has ever heard."

"Thanks Soarin, That's very sweet of you."

And now I'm 

Falling for ya 

Falling for ya 

I know I shouldn't but I 

I just can't stop myself from 

Falling for ya 

Falling for ya

Can't hold on any longer

And now I'm falling for you 

As she finished singing, suddenly the lights from her room went off and a mysterious person grabbed Rainbow Dash and covered her mouth so that she won't scream for help.

Then the mysterious person chuckled evilly and said "Hello there so sorry I had to do this but I can't let you steal my Soary because he is mine!" 

Then without a trace the mysterious person left with Rainbow Dash, and Tank went on his flying device to find Soarin and ask him for help. But what he didn't know was that Soarin will find out that it was an old enemy from the past, and the same person who murdered his parents.

My Little Pony equestria girls belongs to Hasbro Studios 

Song: falling for ya from teenage beach

To be continued....

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