Aria's threat

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After Aria confronted Cloudswirl, Rainbow Dash went for a little stroll around the city, while she was walking she couldn't help but think about Soarin and how they've been together for about a few weeks, when suddenly she sensed someone was after her.

"Who is there?" Said Rainbow Dash as she was in tough formation, "Reveal yourself!"

And with that said a mysterious figure appeared from the shadows with a knife in her hand, it was none other than Aria Blaze and she was so angry.

"Aria what are you doing here" said Rainbow Dash as she was looking at Aria and saw there was a knife in her hand, "Why are holding a knife?"

Aria didn't answer, all she did was try to hit her with the knife but luckily Rainbow Dash managed to dodge it and got a little scared.

"You selfish witch!!" Aria yelled as she was holding her knife, "You stole my Soarin from me, and I'm going to end you to make sure you don't go near my Soary ever again!!"

And with that said Rainbow Dash was so terrified, she had no choice but to run, with all the hatred in her heart Aria went after Rainbow Dash to try and hurt her.

"HELP!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she was still running in fear, suddenly a needle shot Rainbow Dash's leg and screamed in pain, she could only hope that Soarin would come and save her.

After running like for a few minutes Rainbow Dash was in the dead end in an alleyway with no where else to go.

Then Aria founded her and smirked evilly that this would be the day her enemy dies, "Run and scream all you want, no else will hear you!!" Said Aria evilly, she looked at the rainbow haired girl who so terrified she didn't know what to do.

But Aria on the other hand didn't care if she was scared, all she could care is that she wants Soarin to be all hers.

"This the end of the line Rainbow Crash!" Said Aria as she was about to attack her, "I rather not want to get caught so bye bye." Aria was going to stab Rainbow Dash which made her scream for help one last time.

"SOMEBODY HELP!!!!!!" Shouted Rainbow Dash as tears were going through her magenta eyes in fear, she thought it was the end for her.

"You stay away from her Aria!!" Said a mysterious voice, Aria stopped for a moment gasped because she saw Soarin and tried to act innocent.

"Soarin, we were just having a friendly chat and.." before she could finish Soarin slapped her face again like before, he never felt this angry in his life.

"You stupid, lousy, annoying jerk!!" Soarin Said as his anger was boiling, "How could you do this Rainbow Dash, are you that selfish you.. you psycho."

Aria was shocked that he said all of that, "But Soary can't we just forget about what happened and.." before she could finish he slapped her face again and was so angry.

"You really think killing her and forget about the past will make me love you?" Asked Soarin as his anger was boiling, "You're making me and my friends hate you more!!"

Then suddenly one of Rainbow Dash's friends saw the whole thing and was so angry as well, it was Sunset Shimmer and she ran up to Aria because she wanted to read her mind, her geode glowed red and she saw Aria's memories and was shocked.

Aria didn't what else to do all she could do is run away not caring for anything else, then Soarin and Sunset Shimmer heard some soft sobs at the end of the alley, it was Rainbow Dash crying in fear, she never felt this scared in her life.

Soarin walked up Rainbow Dash to give her comfort and raped her around with a blanket and hugged her, "Shh, It's Okay Rainbow Dash, you're safe now." Said Soarin as he was comforting her.

Sunset Shimmer honestly can't help but bad for Rainbow Dash that she keeps having these threats, she picked up her phone and called Fluttershy and the others.

"Hey Fluttershy, can me, Soarin and Rainbow Dash come over to your house, something terrible has happened." Said Sunset Shimmer as she was calling the others.

My Little pony equestria girls belongs to Hasbro 

To be continued.....

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