A long lost reunion

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The others were shocked that Soarin and Cloudswirl's parents are already alive, Aria on the other hand was angry.

"How can you still be alive!?" Said Aria with and angry tone, "Me and my father murdered you!!!"

"That may be true Aria." Said Lightning Bolt seriously, "But then that all changed when our son Soarin founded his true love, it was Rainbow Dash's and Soarin's love that brought us back to life."

Soarin and Cloudswirl ran up to them and hugged them cause they were happy to see their parents again.

"Oh mom and dad we missed you so much." Said Cloudswirl as tears of happiness went through her eyes, "I thought we would never see each other again."

"Oh Cloudswirl, we missed you too." Said Swift Winds as she was hugging her and then turned to Soarin, "We are so proud of you son."

Lightning Bolt then turned to see Elexa05 still in her alicorn wings and went up to her, "Elexa, you were the one that spread your happiness to others even though you were a little crazy." Said Lightning Bolt with a smile while holding a golden crown with a aquamarine heart, "And for that, I declare you the princess and element of love."

Elexa was surprised to know that she's now a princess, her outfit then turned into a white and gold dress, golden boots, and a aquamarine necklace.

"Congratulations Elexa!!!" Said Pinkie Pie with a smile and jumping around crazy.

"You'll be an amazing princess." Said Sunset Shimmer with a smile.

Everyone was cheering for Elexa and Aria still angry with everyone that she hated, and after that Elexa knew what she had to do.

"Lightning Bolt, is it ok for me to make my first role as princess now?" She asked.

"Why of course you can Elexa, go on." Said Lightning Bolt as he know what she meant.

Elexa05 walked up to Aria with a serious yet unhappy face, "Aria Blaze, you have been putting everyone in danger and threaten other people to do what you want," Said Elexa seriously, "And from what you were trying to do now you're just as guilty as before this even happened."

"But Elexa... me and Soarin were supposed to..." Said Aria as she was trying to find and excuse but was interrupted by Soarin.

"Don't start with the excuses Aria." Said Soarin seriously, "You don't really love me, you only want to be with me just to be rich, my heart belongs to Rainbow Dash and her only, she's the one I love the most and I will love her for all of my heart."

Rainbow Dash blushed and smiled by her boyfriend's kind words, "I love you too Soarin." Said Rainbow Dash warmly.

"Now as I was saying." Said Elexa seriously as she was remembering what she had to do, "Aria Blaze for what you've done to other people including me, I hear by use my first order as princess you and your sister Adagio will be sent to prison for the rest of your lives and never go out ever."

Aria gasped in fear and realized she has finally lost, but for the others they were glad.

Then guards from back at Soarin and Cloudswirl's home then came and took Aria and Adagio away.

"Guards make sure those crazy chicks never escape their cells and keep a close eye on them." Said Elexa05 seriously taking one last glare at them.

"Yes your highness." Said the guards and then escaped.

Then the others cheered for what she has done for her first role as princess and finally happiness was restored, Adagio and Aria were gone forever, Rainbow Dash can finally be herself, everything was just perfect for a celebration.

My Little pony equestria girls belongs to Hasbro 

To be continued. . .

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