Your prisoner

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Aria didn't know what to do, she was looking at her future boyfriend and what scared her is that he had a lot of hatred in his eyes, and so did his friends.

"Soarin I'm so happy you're here" Said Aria with glee, "Quick, you need to help me out on getting rid of- . . ."

Before she could finish, everyone couldn't believe their eyes, Elexa05 the one who was always happy punched her in the face.

"Did she just punched Aria in the face?!" Said Jake in disbelief seeing his girlfriend like that.

"Sure looks like it." Said Cloudswirl in disbelief as well, "I never she'd do that."

"YOU INTENSIVE JERK!!!!" Said Elexa as she was angry, "Don't you dare hurt my friends!! NOBODY HURTS MY FRIENDS AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!!!!!!"

"Please you don't understand, I'm only trying to do what's right for me and Soarin's love for..." Said Aria as she was trying to find an excuse but she didn't finish by another punch in the face but this time it was from Soarin.

"Killing her will only make things worse!!!!" Said Soarin as there was fire in his eyes, "You've kept us as your prisoners all those years, but this time we will stand strong to stop you."

Then music began to play and the angry 4 teenagers began to sing

Elexa05: first thing's first

It's time to say what's been inside our heads

You killed Soarin's parents 

So that you could have him all to yourself


Could have him all to yourself


Second things second 

All you did was try to pull us down 

And  forced us to do everything that you want


To do everything you want


Jake: We were wondering 

Why you keep doing this

But now we know that you did it so

You could be famous and we were so scarred

To face you didn't even try

But now here we are here and we're yo stop your 


Elexa05&Jake: you dragged us down

And we became your prisoners

That was your only choice 


Like a servant you keep torturing us

With all of your lies


You keep spreading all your lies to


So that you could get whatever you


You dragged us down 

And we became your prisoners

Your prisoners 

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