Soarin's struggles

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After what happened 2 days ago Rainbow Dash went to the cafe to get something for breakfast, and that it was the weekend.

"Hey guys." Said Rainbow Dash as she saw her friends, Rarity saw the necklace and was amazed by the jewel on Rainbow Dash's neck.

"Oh my stars Darling, that is a very unique necklace you got there." Said Rarity as she was looking into the beauty of it's jewel "Where did you get that."

Rainbow Dash blushed really red when she remembered that the necklace was a gift from Soarin, she tried her best to hide it but it still shows.

The others were confused well except Pinkie Pie who was secretly giggling, "You know what this means don't you" She asked while smiling.

"She accidentally put some blush on her face." Said Twilight as she fixed her glasses on her face.

"Yeah that," Pinkie Pie said and then smirked, "Or Rainbow Dash has a crush on Elexa05's friend Soarin." Then that Rainbow Dash blushing redly with face totally embarrassed.

The others were shocked because they never Rainbow Dash would have a crush on someone "Aw, that's so adorable." Said Applejack as she smirks.

"Hey it's not like that!" Rainbow Dash shouted with embarrassment, then when she realized all the times they had together she knew she had to admit it, "Fine you got me, I do have a crush on him."

"Don't worry Rainbow Dash, it's not something we'll tease you about." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiling, "I mean, Twilight had that feeling before when she met Timber Spruce at camp everfree."

Then Fluttershy saw Cloudswirl at a table drinking some milk, after she finished her milk, she walked up to the Rainbooms, "Um girls, someone's coming to us." The shy girl said as she was pointing at the light haired girl.

"Hi, you must be the girls that Elexa, told me about." She said she was smiling then that got the mane 7 to nod yes, "I'm Cloudswirl, one of the new students, and Soarin's little sister."

"Little sister? I didn't know you were his sister." Said Pinkie Pie who was shocked that Soarin had a little sister.

"By the way I need your help Rainbow." Said Cloudswirl sadly, "My brother has been in his room for hours and I'm really worried about him."

The rainbow haired girl thought of it and decided that she could at least give it a try, "Okay I'll see what's wrong." Said Rainbow Dash as she went with Cloudswirl to her house, she knocked on the door, and she can easily hear some sobbing, Soarin was crying on his bed, as she opened the door.

"Soarin?" Said Rainbow Dash with a worried voice, Soarin then stopped crying and looked at Rainbow Dash with tears in his emerald green eyes. "Why were you crying?"

"I just remembered the murder of my parents." Said Soarin as he is willing to admit the truth, "I guess it wouldn't hurt to just tell you the whole story." So Rainbow Dash founded a seat to be comfortable and sat next to Soarin to listen to his story.

Soarin: "It all started when I was about 6 years old, we were hosting a grand party to celebrate the 100th anniversary of when my family took all the loyal deeds of the president and it made us important, so every year we host a day called Loyalty Day."

"Wow that was so cool, I also happen to be the element of loyalty, for always standing up for my friends." Said Rainbow Dash as she was smiling.

Soarin: "Yeah I thought it was the happiest day of my life, but then it was a turn for the worst, during the party, a man named Greenflame wanted me to marry his daughter Aria because she wanted me so that she could be popular and rich, but my father and I refused, because it would end up as shame for my parents's dignity to being loyal, so with all the fury he had he and Aria murdered my parents by stabbing them through their chests, I was paralyzed by fear my dad told me to keep my little sister Cloudswirl safe who was year younger then me, and took my friends Jake and Elexa05 with out of the party, and that was the last time I ever saw them."

Rainbow Dash gasped in horror to hear what happened to his parents, Aria did all of this just for some marriage proposal to a famous person??

"That's so horrible, I can't believe that she did all of that just to marry you I mean, you don't deserve that." Said Rainbow Dash as she was feeling bad for Soarin, "But I want you know that you'll always have them in your heart, as long as you remember them, they'll be with you when you're alone, and I hope that you'll know how it feels to have the same comfort you gave to me."

That made Soarin a lot better, then all of a sudden Rainbow Dash kissed Soarin on the lips which made him blush super red, "Thanks Rainbow Dash, I'm glad you were there to help me." Soarin Said as he was smiling 'Man I never thought that Rainbow Dash would do the same thing I did to her then do it to me.' He thought secretly 'I can't deny it any longer, I might be falling in love with you.'

What they didn't know was that Elexa05 saw the whole thing and her nose bleeded with love "Oh my goodness I was right, they do made the perfect pair for each other!!" She said happy and crazyness, " Now to go on to phase 3 of the plan, asking her out on a date."

So Elexa05 went to Pinkie's house to think of the perfect date for Soarin and Rainbow Dash.

My Little Pony Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro 

To be continued......

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