Rainbow Dash's fear

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After the incident with Aria, Sunset Shimmer, Soarin and Rainbow Dash went to Fluttershy's house and when they got there the girls noticed the rainbow haired girl's face and then ran up to her to make sure she was okay.

"Rainbow Dash!! Are you okay?" Said Rarity as she was worried about her, she then noticed the tears in her magenta eyes and the needle in her leg and was horrified.

"Thanks for calling me Sunset." Fluttershy Said as she was worried, "If you hadn't then I wouldn't have known that this would have happened." Fluttershy then got some bandages to heal the wound on her leg.

"So Rainbow Dash, what were you doing outside in the middle of the night." Said Twilight Sparkle as she was serious, then Rainbow Dash started to remember what happened and her tears went back to her eyes, "Sorry Rainbow, I didn't mean to.."

"No it's fine!" Rainbow Dash said as she was about to cry, she didn't want to let her friends see her cry, so without a choice she ran off to a private place to cry her tears of fear.

"Why is she doing this?" Rainbow Dash said in tears and fear, "All of this just because she wants Soarin to be all hers!!" 

As she was crying she started to look the sky and started to get worried, "And now thanks to Aria, I won't be able to be myself again." Rainbow Dash said as was crying, "But my friends mustn't see this side of me, or else they might get hurt or worse."

Then as she was crying music began to play and she began to sing a sad song.

Rainbow Dash: It used to be so simple

It was a world I understood 

I'm always trying to do what's right

And sometimes brag a lot

But now a emotion is rising 

From these threats 

That keeps coming to me

Aria's rage is now changing me

Can I keep 

These threats from getting near my friends 

If I can just be myself 

I know I'll be free

And I can start to be home

I can be myself again 

But instead I am struggling 

With all this fear inside 

And my friends 

Mustn't see the fear that's in me

The fear that's in me

They mustn't see the fear that's in 


After she stopped singing, she then started crying again and looked away and buried her face making sure other people don't see her cry.

"What's the point in all of this?" Said Rainbow Dash as her voice started to crack a little, "Even if I defeated her and her sisters once, there's no way I can stand up to her anymore!!!"

Then she started to cry again, but what she didn't know was that Soarin saw the whole thing and he couldn't help but feel bad for her now that Aria is after her, then he started to get an idea.

"Cloudswirl I need your help please." Said Soarin as he looked at his little sister and she exactly what he was talking about, "I need you help me out on how I can comfort Rainbow Dash."

Cloudswirl then started to get an idea, "Why don't you sing her the new song me and the others are working on." Said Cloudswirl as she was helping her brother.

Then Soarin started to realize that he could at least give it a try, so Cloudswirl and Soarin gathered Elexa05 and Jake and were confused on how they're here.

"Why did you call us here?" Jake said as he was confused on what's going on

"We need you to help me out with Rainbow Dash, she's really scared about what happened and me and Cloudswirl thought that you could help us out." Said Soarin as he was being very serious.

"If this is for Rainbow Dash we're in." Said Elexa05 as she was being proud and bold for her friends, so it was official they were now going to help their friend out with the song, and they hoped it would cheer her up.

My Little pony equestria girls belongs to Hasbro 

Song: Parody of The midnight in me from Equestria Girls Legend of Everfree

To be continued . . .

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