Chapter 3 - Welcome Headache... And Suspicion

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Chapter 3 - Welcome Headache... And Suspicion

Kate Beckett's POV

My head hurt. Which probably meant I did get too much alcohol in me again. I slowly opened my eyes and had to blink some times to adjust to the bright light. Which was weird cause it was never this bright in my apartment. When my eyes finally got used to the light I could see why it was so light. I wasn't in my own apartment. And I sure as hell wasn't in my own bed. What the hell happened last night?! I tried to remember but I couldn't and my headache just got worse when I tried to concentrate. I looked around. No guy to be seen, but whoever lived here sure smelled nice. Focus Kate! My hand dragged away the cover and to my relief I could see I had all my clothes on. I let go of a big sigh and realized I had held my breath. I took a sweep with my legs over the corner of the bed and stood up, I immediately felt the dizzyness taking over and fell down on the bed again. I heard foot steps coming towards the door but they stopped there. I felt defenseless. What if the person behind those doors was a bad person? I didn't have my normal powers back and that meant I was an easy victim. But the foot steps were going away again and I let out yet another sigh. I tried standing up again, not as fast as before and it went better this time. I sneaked towards the door and opened it so just a crack was open. I looked into the loft and saw a man standing by the ktichen half. He had a nice back, and his hair was brown. The smell came against me and it was the smell of pancakes. My belly decided to give me away. The man turned around and smiled when he saw me.

"Hungry?" he asked and turned around to turn the pancake he was making.

I didn't really know if I should answer or not. I didn't know this guy.

"Uhm, I took you here since your friend Lanie said she couldn't carry you home. I'm sorry if I scared you" he said apologizing and for once everything made sense.

"Oh" I said and walked out from the bedroom.

I was still suspicious but I started to see the whole picture. Lanie had probably seen this as a new opportunity to set me up with a guy, and ,since he didn't do anything to me, a nice guy. She was a good character knower so I knew that if someone would know who to leave me with it was her.

"You like pancakes?" the man asked and after some thinking I nodded.

I still didn't know his name. He put out the pancakes on the bar table and I sat down on one of the bar stools.

"Kate, right?" he asked and I nodded. "My name is Rick" he said and reached out his hand.

I took it and we shook hands. An electricity shot through my body the second his hand touched mine. I started eating and so did he, he stood up though. Probably because he didn't want to violate my personal space by sitting down beside me, so he stood on the other side of the bar instead.

"Sorry, but that dress doesn't seem so confy anymore, would you like to borrow some clothes?" Rick said and I looked up at him in surprise. "Uh, you don't have to" he mumbled and looked down at his plate.

"No, sorry, I'm being such a jerk. You're just so sweet, I'm not quite used to that" I said blushing.

"A beautiful woman like you? Not used to kindness? How's that even possible?" Rick asked and I felt my cheeks turn even hotter.

"Sure, I would love to borrow some clothes" I ignored his other questions.

They were just flutter anyway. We ate up before he told me to follow him. We went into the bedroom again and he led me to his closet.

"Is this ok?" he asked and pulled out a sweater shirt and some sweat pants.

I nodded. "Thanks".

I took the clothes and he left me inside the room. I quickly changed, his clothes were too big of course. But I kinda liked it, the way they were too big. Plus they smelled like him, and he smelled nice. Snap out of it Kate! I tried to tell myself to stop being so girly. I never used to be this way around guys. I never used to be shy or anything like this. What was happening to me? I went out of the bedroom and Rick sat in his couch, his eyes was immediately on me and he smiled. He patted the seat beside him and I decided to trust him. Not that any of my training told me I should since I didn't know him, but something inside of me just told me I could. Our eyes met and they locked. His blue eyes was deep and I drowned in them. We just sat there, looking into each others eyes and it didn't even feel weird. It just felt natural, like something we had done so many times before. Only, we didn't know each other.

"So, Kate" Rick started and ended the enchantment which had made them keep staring into each other's eyes. "How come a girl like you drank so much yesterday? I mean, not to pry but since you ended up here I would like to know" he excused himself.

"I'm actually not sure" I said honestly "I just didn't feel like living and know what I was doing, I guess" I said, ashamed of myself for being so stupid.

Rick didn't say anything, he just looked at me and I didn't quite know if it was because he thought I was weird or stupid. I looked down but soon his hand was on my chin to make me look up again.

"Everyone has those days, don't worry" he said and smiled slightly.

Oh, god, that smile.

"How about you, how come you decided to help me instead of, eh, you know...?" I started but regretted even starting the question.

Why? Ok it was a fact now, I really was stupid. How could this one guy have this effect on me? I really had no idea.

"I'm not that kind of person, I would never take advantage of you or any other woman. That's just disgusting" he said and I nodded, thankful he didn't judge me for questioning.

He had removed his hand from my chin which made me feel disappointed, I couldn't help what I felt but that was it. Disappointed. The electricity had been there again, and it made me wonder what the hell was happening to me. Who was this guy and how could he make me feel this way.

"So what's your story? If you don't mind me asking" Rick said in a cute way.

I thought about it for a while. I felt like I could trust him, like it was ok for him to get to know the real me. But I still didn't know him, which made it even harder for me to open up to him.

"Maybe another time, I... I don't usually talk this much" I stumbled across my words, not sure what to say and what to not.

"Sorry, I guess... no, sorry" he said and looked down.

I quickly dedided whether to copy him from before or not. I reached out my hand and touched his chin and made him look up.

"It's ok" I said and right about then there was a knock on the door.

We both jumped to our feet and looked at the door with suspicion. It made me curious to know how come he reacted the same way but right about now all I cared for was the knocking on the door.

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