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Warning: lots of gore and mature themes ahead. Read with caution.

Keylin's PoV

"You need to concentrate." Alex hisses at me from behind and I open my eyes purposely to turn around and glare at him.

"I'm trying my best."

"Well you're shit." He sums up as he makes his way in front of me, I follow him with a frown before he stops at an arms distance away from me.

"The only way to draw your power from the panther is by concentrating and clearing your mind." He states seriously as he turns to his snake climbing and wrapping around one of he nearby columns. I follow his gaze before looking at him when he sighs, turning to me pointedly.

"Take a breath." He instructs with a fake calm tone, knowing that he was easily frustrated and was only trying to mask it from everyone.

I copy him in his actions. Thinking this was more of a flaming exercise for him than actually aiding me in calming down.

"Feel the power from the connection flowing within you." He sighs out, letting his eyes close for a moment and I do so as well. Tightening my fists at my side on instinct.

"Open your eyes." He commands and I open them, seeing his eyes glowing yellow. His pupil shaped into one resembling a snakes. He watches me for a moment before blinking and his eyes turn back to normal blue.

"Your strength and power is there. I can see it building behind your eyes but something isn't breaking through. Again." He states in disappointment and I sigh bringing a hand up to run through my hair in agitation. Remembering words similar that my father had said yesterday about not letting it build up. Maybe this was the same. I let it build up before losing control.

Alex startles me by bringing a hand out and shoving my shoulder making me blink out of my daze.

"Focus Keylin." He seethes, eyes narrowing into slits and I frown before nodding. Letting my eyes fall shut, I take in a slow breath fisting my hands at my sides.

I subconsciously connect with Baja who is lying down licking her front paw across the room. Her thoughts and feelings suddenly swarming my mind. It's only when her memories begin to hit me full on that I scrunch my face up in pain and turn my head to the side before realising that this was what I have been doing wrong. When it becomes too painful and I start to get a headache, I shy away and break the connection.

"You're doing good so far you just need to take the next step." Alex whispers quietly so as not to break my concentration but at the same time give me encouragement.

I let out a breath and turn my head back so that it was facing forward and let the memories in. Embracing Baja's power. Embracing the panther.

With a gasp I open my eyes, stumbling back slightly at the sudden rush of heartbeats, emotions and surroundings. I could see the hot spots on everyone's body, I could hear everything from the multiple heartbeats to swallows breathing. This was incredible.

"He did it."

I flinch at how loud Anya's excited voice was in my ear from where she sits a top of one of the training bars. Although she was far away, her voice was booming in my ear when in reality, she only gasped the words out.

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