Chapter Twenty-Five: The Day

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Chapter Twenty-Five:

The Day


The last bell of the day rang and I spring from my seat, rushing towards the door to get out if here. It was Friday and we had the big game later this evening. I was hoping to get a bite to eat before the game so we wouldn't starve and then rush back here so Adam and Cameron could get ready with their team.

People we rushing through the hallways and bumping into each other like crazy. I was squeezing through the tight spaces with my books in my hands when I finally spotted an open spot up ahead. I'll be able to breath!

I tried so hard to get up there, and I was making it, until someone charged into me so hard that I tumbled to the ground. My books luckily landed right in front of me and weren't spread out. I groaned and realized I had banged my elbow pretty hard when I fell backwards. I rubbed it and got to my knead so I could gather my books up when a familiar pair of sneakers were in my vision, right beside my books. Looking up through my lashes, I saw Cameron looking down at me with his eyebrows raised. I gave him a frown and accepted his hands. He pulled me up with ease and bent back down to pick up my books for me.

"Rush hour get to you?" He asked with amusement playing in his voice. I smiled a little at him and nodded.

"Yep," I told him, popping the "P".

We made it to my locker without running in to too many people on the way and Cameron shoved my books in my locker. I went hands on hips and cocked an eyebrow at him. "Since when did you know my combination?"

"Since I watched you put it in everyday." He said in a mock tone. I rolled my eyes playfully and grabbed his hand in mine. "Ready to hunt down Emma and Adam and get some food before the game?" I asked him. He nodded his head and we searched for their heads in the crowd. Of course, we heard Adam before we saw him. I haven't hung out with him outside of school before, but I'm guessing he's always loud and crazy. He's not like that in school, though.

After we found both of them, we got our bags and ran out to our cars. Adam and Emma in Adam's shiny red Dodge Dart and Cameron and I in his truck. He still hasn't fixed the radio.

We stopped at a Subway since we decided it would be the healthiest for the boys to eat. I waited with Emma to order while the guys got our seats. We decided to pay for theirs too, no arguments allowed.

Once we got our sandwiches and drinks, Emma and I sat down beside the guys and sorted the food. It was really delicious and I couldn't understand why I haven't eaten here more often.

"So, Danielle brought that guy with her that plays on the opposite team... Seth? Was she trying to prove something or...?" Emma asked to start a conversation.

"Who knows with her. She was being a brat that night." Adam piped in. His eyes flickered to me when he said that. She always aims her wrath at me.

"Amber's no better." Cameron added. That was almost off topic, but I knew what he was talking about. Emma's eyebrows raised.

"What? I thought you two were like... best friends?" She directed her question at me. I blushed and shook my head furiously.

"We used to be. Until she helped Danielle take my name off the all stars team list after tryouts." I muttered and averted my gaze toward the doors. I heard Adam scoff.

"Why didn't she get in trouble for that?" He practically demanded. I shook my head.

"Because I don't really care anymore." There was an edge of anger to my voice. I tried not to get worked up about this topic, but every time I thought about it, I wanted to just take my anger out on something.

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