Chapter 10

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Edited 1/2/19
Chapter 10
Miles entered the house, but didn't find Belinda. He went upstairs, showered and prepared something to eat. He was almost done eating when Belinda entered the house. She walked straight to the bedroom and changed out of her clothes. Miles finished his food and cleared the dishes.
"I thought you had important work that didn't let you come home?" Belinda asked sarcastically. He smiled and hugged her from behind. "You're still mad at me. These days you get angry too easily."
"How can you tell me that." Belinda said visibly annoyed. "You don't show up at home and when I see you, you're with another woman. "
"I'm sorry ok. Nothing happened between us. How can I cheat on such a gorgeous wife?" Miles said teasing her as Belinda smiled. She chided herself for responding too easily to him.
She turned and faced him. "When are you going back to work? I was hoping you could rest a little."
"I'm dead tired but I can't. I'll be done by tomorrow so we can rest all you want." Belinda slowly withdrew her hands from his and hugged him. "You shouldn't spend so much time outside. It's lonely here alone and I find it extremely hard to sleep." Miles stroked her hair.
"Why don't you see the doctor?" he asked worried.
"I can't take those pills, I'm pregnant.
"I'll be done as soon as possible. Promise." He kissed her forehead as he picked his jacket. Belinda walked him to the door as she wiped a lone tear, watching as he entered the car and drove out of the compound.
Miles had completed and executed the project. He sat in the living room watching soccer while Belinda prepared his meals. She brought a tray of white rice and chicken pepper soup. She placed it on the side stool in front of him and took a seat beside him.
Miles hurriedly feasted on the food, flushing it down with a can of beer. He belched heavily after drinking it. "Sometimes, I don't know if I know you." Belinda said as she cleared the dishes. Miles laughed, focusing on his game. Belinda returned back to the chair as Miles pulled her closer to himself. She placed her head oh his shoulders, inhaling the nice scent of his perfume. Just then the door bell rang. Belinda opened the door much to her disgust. The same idiot was here. She hissed loudly and blocked the door.
"What are you doing here seems like you missed your way?" She asked rudely.
"How can I miss my way, is the house on the way side. I came to see the father of my child." Jessica responded as Belinda laughed heartily annoying her.
"You meant my husband, or the father of my child." She said with emphasis on the word my just as Miles came behind her.
"You should recognize your position. For one thing we are in an African society. The wives are more important than sluts." Belinda finished stressing the word as Jessica rolled her eyes. Miles appeared at the door.
"What do you want again Jessica? I have told never to visit my home." Miles said
"And why can't I visit your home?" she asked
"What kind of stupid question is that? Because my wife doesn't like it." He answered putting his arms around Belinda's neck. "And besides, you have no place here. Now why did you come ?"
"I want to move into this house." She said bluntly. "I am also carrying your child. I deserve a place here. Besides, my rent is expired and I'm spending too much." Belinda felt like jabbing a knife into her sides for all the rubbish she just said. After all the money Miles had given her, she had the liver to stand here and utter such nonsense. "What happens to all the money I give you. Even my babe doesn't spend that much. Yet you have the guts to mention money."
"Look Miles, your wife and I have different needs. I have told you what needs to be done. Take care of it." She said walking out. Belinda sighed and went in. 
"You better forget the rubbish she just said, cause as soon as she as much as her slippers sits by the gate, I'll cease to be your wife. And I mean every single word of it." She said as Miles shook his head following her inside.
Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoyed it ❤. What do you think Miles would do?

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