Chapter 14

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Edited 1/2/19
Chapter 14
Belinda looked over the file again. She didn't want to have anything to do with Davis Industries. She'd broken off all relations after their big break 16 years ago. Now she needed their help and they were offering the best deal. She looked over the documents again and signed it. She knew it was stupid and it was all Miles. But she was determined to guard her heart with an iron wall.
Steph sat in front of her laptop. The Olubaji's were hanging out with them at their house. They were trying to avoid their nosy Aunt. She was chatting with her class mates over in Abuja. She wanted nothing to do with the Olubaji's, especially Femi. He was a rude jerk as far as she was concerned.
Steph let out a loud laugh as everyone looked at her. She laughed long and hard. "What's so funny?" Kelvin asked.
"Your laughing like you inhaled the laughing gas. "
"OK, this is so hilarious. "
"What is?" Greg asked.
"Felix is really nice, but extremely rude to Jasmine and everyone knows it's because he likes her. Instead of confessing his feelings for her, he acting rude to her and bullies her. She gave him a taste of his own medicine finally."
"So how is that funny?" Greg asked still not grasping the point.
"She is really quiet and shy so it's like class shocker to hear her talking back."
"OK, that's still not funny." Kelvin said.
"You guys are hopeless." Stephanie said
"Angela would have gotten it. Anyway, I think it's cowardly for a guy to bully or pick on a girl just cause he likes her or for any other reason."
Femi looked up at her like he was the one being talked to. He liked Steph but couldn't tell her so instead, he found a way to bother and trouble her. But his plan backfired as she avoided him like a plague .
"I wonder when granny is coming back. That knee replacement surgery is taking too long. I miss her" Kelvin said.
"Granny's boy." Stephanie said teasing him.
Belinda brought the signed documents to the office. Her secretary came with her. She took a seat at an edge of the table. She was very nervous. Not because of the deal, but because of who she was meeting. Her long lost love. She'd dressed in a way that'll annoy him. Makeup, hair packed in a bun, suit. She looked at her watch, five minutes late.
She turned to his secretary
"Mr Talbot, I don't appreciate lateness on deals. They are other companies willing to offer us this. And in business you should know time is of essence."
"I'm sorry about that. He said he'll be here soon. There must be a terrible traffic jam." Mr Talbot replied nervously. He was usually on time, so why was he late. Just then Miles rushed in.
"I'm so sorry I'm late." He said taking a seat.
"I hope all your company deals doesn't operate this way." She answered rudely. "I believe in efficiency."
Miles looked at her. She was really mean showing off her rude nature. And why was she dressed like that. She looked like weird. "Of course not. We don't. It was just a tiny mistake on my path. Well, no need to waste any more of your time." He said as he passed her the original contract. They discussed and the contract was signed. Belinda stood up along side her secretary. Miles gave her a handshake. "Nice working with you." He said. Belinda felt like a giddy school girl. All her nerves were on fire. She quickly withdrew her hand, she wasn't supposed to react like this.
"Can I meet my daughter?" He asked her silently. "Please."
"I'll talk with her and get back to you."
"Thanks." He said
"Veronica, let's go." She said to her secretary. In a hurry to get far,far away from the man that crushed get heart.

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