Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

I feel my arms being held. I turn around to see a boy with white hair. He's wearing a scarf around his neck. "What do you want?" I asks. "Tell us... You are the legendary striker, right?" He asks. I sigh and look at them in the eyes.

"Yes! I am the legendary striker"

-Please Join Us-


They stayed silent after I said that. "Is there anything else you need? If you don't, please excuse me" I said, bowing. Then I turn around and leave them.

"Wait!" I heard them said. I stop and turn around to face them. "What is it?" I asks them. "Please join us..." Endou said, getting up from his seat and bow to me. I just stare at him, then I turn around "I refuse..." I said, then I walk away.

Endou P.O.V

'Wow.... her team is not joking. She really quits playing Soccer' I thought to myself as I stare at her as she walks away.

I look at the rest of the group and they just shrug in respond. I fist bump the air "don't mind! Don't mind! We'll get her to join us, I know we will" I said. They look motivated a little. I just need to think of a way to get her to join us. But how?



It's been a week. The Raimon Eleven is still here. They've been trying so hard to get me to join them.

'Why didn't you just join them?' I heard Ravana said. 'And let you take control over my body and start hurting people? No thanks..." I said, sarcastically. I can hear her sigh in my head. 'Why didn't you just go out of me and start looking for a new host?' I asks her. 'No... You're the only one who can survive with me inside of you' she said. I just roll my eyes in respond.

I was walking to my parents cafe, when I heard someone calling for me. I turn around and let out a sigh when I notice who it was. It's Raimon Eleven. 'Why can't they just give up already?' I thought to myself. 'Maybe because they really want you to be on their team' I heard Ravana said. 'I'm not talking to you' I said to her. I can feel her rolling her eyes.

"What do you want now?" I asks them rather harshly. They flinch at my tone. They didn't dare to answer. I fold my arms over my chest. "Well?" I question, raising an eyebrow. They still didn't say a thing. "Look... If you don't have something to say, I'm gonna get going. I have a job to do" I say. Then I turn around to walk away.

"Wait!" I heard someone said. I turn around to see it was Endou. "What?" I said. "Please join us" he said. I sigh "how many time do I have to tell you? I'm not joining!" I yelled at him. I turn around and run away.

Endou P.O.V

Why is it so hard to get her to join us. I thought she was suppose to love Soccer. What makes her stop playing?

If I want to get her to join. I have to show her how fun it was to play. I need to show her the real Soccer game.

I turn around to face the group and start telling them my plan. They thought about it and agree with me. "Alright! Let's do this! Let's get Y/N to join us" I said, enthusiastically. I turn around and was about to walk away.

"How are we gonna show her?" I heard someone ask. I anime fall. Then I sit down and make a thinking face. "Hmm.... I don't know" I said, slumping down. They sweat-dropped at my respond. I just laugh nervously.


They didn't have to show me.... I know that Soccer is fun. They just didn't know the reason why I quit.

I walk over to them. "You don't have to show me.... I know exactly how fun Soccer is" I said. They jump at my sudden appearance. "How long have you been there?" Endou asks, as he stands up. "Long enough to see you making yourself look like an idiot" I said.

"Why do you have to be so rude?!" The guy I know as Someoka yells at me. "That's because you've been trying to get me to join?!" I yelled back. "Why did you stop anyway?!" He yells again. "That's!! *I yell, then I take a deep breath in*.... None of your business" I said in a lot calmer voice without looking at them, then I turn around and walk away from them. Leaving them staring at my back as I walk further away from them.

I keep walking until I reached an old abandon building. This place has always been my fav place to go. Now you may think I'm weird. Liking an abandon place. But this place use to be an old school of mine. Where I first fall in love with the game of Soccer.

I walk over to the Soccer field, standing behind a fence. I hold the fence and stare at the Soccer field.


That time... I was around 7. I was walking with my dad, who is a teacher in this school. Holding his hand. Then I turn my head and something caught my attention.

I let go of my dad's hand and start running towards the fence. "Daddy! What are they doing?" I asks my dad, pointing at the group of people who is playing with a ball.

"That's called Soccer" my dad explain to me. I look up at him. "Why are they keep trying to get the ball?" I asks him. He smiles and place his hand on top of my head. "That's how you play it.... You need to get the ball and score a goal on your opponent's goal" he said. I look up at him in excitement. "Can I try it? It looks fun!" I said. He laughs and pat my head "sure! You can" he said.

End of Flashback

I start crying as those memory came in my head. My dad died when I was 7, the day after he introduce me to this game of Soccer. He was so happy when he watch me play. I look up at the sky as tears begin to stream down my eyes. "Daddy..." I cried out.

"Why are you crying?" I heard someone asks me. I turn around to see one of the Raimon Eleven. I wipe my tears "nothing..." I said. He just stare at me. Then he walks over and stand next to me.

"I'm Fubuki Shirou. By the way.... What is this place?" He asks. I turn to look at him. "It's the place where I first fall in love with Soccer. That day is also the last day I have with my dad" I said. "If you like Soccer so much... Why'd you stop?"

"That's because....

*to be continued*

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