Chapter 8

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Previously on Chapter 7

I close my eyes and try to get some sleep. I feel really tired for some reason. After a while, I finally drift off to dream world.

-I'm So Sorry-


I woke up in the morning. 'Woah... Did I really slept that long?' I thought to myself. But then again when I take a nap, it was already 6 p.m. But still... I didn't expect to sleep that long.

I look outside the window, to see its still dark. I check my phone to see what time it was. '4.00 a.m' it's still so early. But it seems like I can't go back to sleep.

I sit up from the caravan's seat. Then I look around me to see that everyone is still asleep. I sigh... I don't want to just lay down. Maybe I could jog around for a bit.

I get up from the seat, then make my way to the door. I open it slowly, making sure it didn't make any sound. I don't want to wake the others.

Then I grab a small towel. Then I start warming up. Then I start jogging around. Going around the yard.

After a while, I start to feel tired. Then I decide to take a break. I take a seat on a bench. I took a sip from the bottle of water that I've brought with me. I place the bottle next to me and stare into the distance.

'Y/N?' I heard Ravana said. 'What?' I question. 'I was wondering... Do you ever regret playing Soccer?' She asks. 'Never....' I said to her. 'How so?' She asks again. I sigh and close my eyes. Then I look up at the sky and open my eyes, watching as the clouds passing by. 'Soccer to me is....' I paused. She stayed silent, waiting for me to continue. '...Everything. It's just a part of me.... My Father introduce Soccer to me when I was a kid... He would train me from time to time, making sure I got the hand of it *I smile at the memory of the first day my dad introduce me to soccer, then my smile turn into a frown* But now that my Father is gone... Soccer is the only thing I have close to him... Every time I play Soccer.... I feel that he's there with me' I said.

She was silent for a bit. '... but because of Soccer... It makes me come to you. It intrigues me. Now I'm inside of you' she said, after a few moment of silent. 'I know... But there are negative things in everything we do... You can't expect to get the good things all the time... That's just how life is. There always will be ups and downs. Life is never flat' I said to her.

Then I get up and stretch a bit to release the tense. Then I keep my hands on my waist. 'Well I think I'd better get back now. The others should be up by now... I don't want them to start worrying about me' I said to her. Then I start jogging my way back to the camp.

After a while, I finally reach the camp. The moment I get there, everyone instantly starts bombarding me with questions. 'Where have you been?' 'Why did you went off without telling anyone?' 'Do you have any idea how much worry you put us through?' And more. "Geez... Relax you guys. I just went jogging for a bit. My... You worry too much" I said to them, while sweat-dropped a bit.

I walk towards the lake and take a swim to cool myself down. The others came a few minutes later and some of them starts to jump inside the lake, splashing waters everywhere. We enjoy our time.


We decide to train for a bit. We need to prepare ourself for the next match against the Aliea academy. We never know when they decide to attack. So we need to make sure we'll be ready when they come.

We start dividing ourself into two groups. In my group is me, Fubuki, Kazemaru, Someoka, Gouenji, Handa, along with Kabeyama. Then our opponent will be Endou, Jin, Shishido, Ichinose, Matsuno, Shourinji and Magane.

We start warming up. Then we start training. Fubuki is kicking the ball towards the goal. But something is off about him. He's acting strange like he was a different person. 'Hey... Ravana... What is wrong with Fubuki? Why is he acting strange? Did he have a demon inside him like I do?' I ask Ravana. 'No... But he have a spirit inside him... The spirit looks just like him... Most likely to be his dead twin brother' she said. 'Brother?' I asks. 'I'll tell you... But now focus!' She said. 'Fine...' I said.

He continue to kicks the ball, when Jin comes to blocks his way. He turns to me "Y/N!" He pass the ball to me. I receive it. Then I feel the power surging through me. Ravana is taking control.

Then in her control, I start kicking the ball to the goal. Then lighting starts to appear around me. Then I jump high in the air. I kick the ball with full strength "Thunder blast!!" I yelled. The ball advance to the goal. It makes it in. My appearance turns back to normal.

The next one starts, with Ichinose kicking the ball towards our goal. But I manage to steal it. Once again.... I feel Ravana taking control.
'I'm gonna blast them...' She said. 'No Ravana, don't!' I yell at her. But she ignores me. She uses full strength and kick the ball towards the goal.

The ball makes it in, but it hurts some of them as well. I drop on my knees. I clutch my hair in a tight fist. "Oh no... Not again..." I said to myself.

I got up and back away. "I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry. I can't control her.... I'm sorry" I said. Then I turn around and start running away.

*to be continued*

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