Chapter 25

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Previously on Chapter 24

When I pull away. She have a sinister look on her face. I smirk, knowing I got her into it. "So? Deal?" I said, offering my hand. She smirks as well and shake my hand. "Deal" she said. Time to get the plan going.

-I'm Sorry-


We are now battling against another Aliea Academy kids. The ball is currently under my possession, and about 3 of the opponent people is chasing after me.

Soon enough I find myself being surrounded. I step on the ball with one of my foot. I look around as I try to find an opening to attack. But they are guarding me so tight.

"Looks like you have no where to go..." one of the three said with a smirk on his face. I look at him and smirk. "Oh really?" I said. Then I dissappear and reappear about 5 feet away from them.

"What the?" One of them said. I laugh "you were saying?" I said mockingly.

I pass the ball to Gouenji and we start advancing towards the opponent's goal. Goenji got cornered. I make a portal appear next to the ball and he kicks the ball through it. Now the ball is back on me.

I pass the ball to Fubuki who is the closest to the goal. He kicks with his signature Hissatsu and the ball make it through their defence. Then the timer wents off, indicating the end of the games.

"Woohoooo~ another win!" I scream out in glee. Fubuki runs towards me and pick me up. He spun us around which makes me clutch onto his shoulder whislt whooping in happiness.

He place me down on my feet and pulls me into a kiss. This makes me blush, but I kiss him back nonetheless.

Then he pulls away. He leans his forehead against mine. "I am so glad we decided to recruit you, baby... you're the best striker we have... you really live on the title of the legendary striker from Y/C" he said. I grin at him and leans in for another kiss. He wraps his arms tightly around my waist.

Matt P.O.V

A lot of things I've tried to make them hate each other. But nothing... their trust for each other are too strong.

What am I suppose to do now. Y/N must be mine. If I can't have her... no one can.



It's night time... everyone else is asleep but me. Demons don't sleep. I'm bored if I just lay around. So I just decide to take a walk.

I place my hands inside my pocket and put my hood on. Then I quietly walks out of the bus. I begin to take a stroll around the town.

I look up at the sky as I walk. I smile to myself when I see the twinkling star. It's so beautiful. Then out of no where, a soccer ball is kicked my way with a fast speed.

In alert, I kick the ball back. Then the ball is catch by someone in the shadow. "Who the heck are you?" I said. The person chuckles and walks out from the shadow. My eyes widened "Matt??" I exclaim. He smirks and walks closer to me. "Hi babe~" he said. "What the heck do you want? And don't call me that! You disgust me..." I said. He just ignore what I said, and walks closer to me. I take a step back, until my back is against the wall.

He place his hands on each side of my head. "What do you want?" I asks again. "Why him? Why did it have to be him! Why can't you love me instead?" He said. "What are you talking about? Why does it even matter to you that I love Fubuki... he's my boyfriend. So it only makes sense to love him, right?" I said. He leans closer "I can be a much better boyfriend for you..." he said, smirking slightly. I push him off and went to punch him. But he caught my hand. "You're not the only one who's a demon, Y/N-Chan... I am too..." he said, his eyes turning blood red. My eyes widened.

"You see... together... we'll be unbeatable..." he said. I yank my hand away from his. "Mind my word... I'll never be with you! I love Fubuki and he's the only one I wanna be with..." I said, then I turn to walk away.

I heard a chuckle behind me. "I'll give you one last choice, Y/N... Be with me... or I'll kill Fubuki..." he said. This makes me froze on my spot. I turn around to look at him. "You wouldn't..." I said. "But I would. It's going to be easy... after all... I'm the a demon of death... all I need to do is just snap my finger..." he said. I clench my fist "you're a coward..." I said. He just laugh "I'm not a coward... it's just you who don't leave me a choice! I've tried many things to get you to be with me... but it's Fubuki this... Fubuki that... and I'm losing my patient! So... time to play dirty... and Y/N... I'm not going to stop at anything to have you... you're mine... remember that..." he said, as he run his hand across my cheek softly.

"This is your last chance... I'm not going to play gentle anymore... leave Fubuki and be with me, so he could live... or be with him and see what happen... I will give him the most painful death... I'm not joking Y/N... don't test me..." he said. I just look away from him.

"Give me some time to break it off with him..." I said. "Good girl... you have 3 days from now" he said. He walks over to me and place a kiss on my cheek. "I can't wait to have you..." he whispers on my ear, then he vanish. 

I drop on my knees and start crying my eyes out. I don't have a choice... I can't have him kill Fubuki... I can't...

I'm sorry, Fubuki...

*to be continued*

A/N: I'm so sorry! You guys waited so long for this book. I'm losing idea for this book. So sorry about that... I'm having a hard time of thinking what to write on this... don't worry! I'll try harder... I don't wanna disappoint any of you... thank you so much for reading... see ya!! 👋🏻

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