Chapter 24

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Previously on Chapter 23

"I c-can't stay... You've hurt me, Fubuki... I trusted you and you betray me!!" I scream the last part. Then I shake my head and turn around. I take off running. I ignore the pleads they are sending for me to stay.

-Please... Trust Me, Y/N-

Fubuki P.O.V

It's been about 2 weeks after she left us.... Left me. I feel so miserable. I can't focus... I can't sleep.... I can't eat. I've never felt so lost before.

What should I do? I can't live without her... She must've hates me now, because she thinks that I've betray her. I didn't kiss Alyssia! She's the one pulling me into a kiss... I didn't even kiss her back.

God... What do I have to do to get her back? To get her to trust me again. I feel empty without her.

I'm sitting on a branch of a tree. Y/N loves to be on a tree... She always said it calms her nerve. But it's not working for me... Not that I don't have her with me.

I didn't participate in any training session. All I can think of is Y/N. I need to find a way to get her back. I need her back... I need her with me. She's all I ever have and I don't wanna lose her. I can't lose anyone anymore. I don't wanna experience the pain of loss anymore.

When I lost my family to that avalanche accident. I thought that I would never... Ever find anyone that can fill the emptiness... Fill my loneliness. That was until I met Y/N. She fills that empty gap. She's the reason for me to keep going until now... She's the reason I'm fighting. She's the reason I joined this group. She's the reason I became who I am, and I can't imagine if I have to lose her too. No... I'm not gonna lose her. I will get her back. No matter what it takes!

With that thought embedded in my mind. I get up and start running. She couldn't be far from here. Even if she's a demon. She won't be too far.

Then my running turns into walking. 'But.... What if she doesn't want to see me? What if she hates me now?' I groan in frustration. It didn't matter. What matters is... I have to find her first. I can think about that when I do.

I start running again, trying to look for her. I keep running around the town, asking people here and there.


It's been hours... But I can't find her. God... Where are you Y/N? Please... Come back to me. I need you... I need you to be with me... I can't lose you too.

I stop near a hill. I remember the day I thought I would lose her to death. The day she fully transformed into a full-fledge demon. My eyes widened. She could be on that hill!

I shake my head and start running towards that direction. It's not that far, since we don't really travel a lot... Aliea Academy didn't really make much of an appearance now. But that's not important... I have to find Y/N.

I slowed when I almost reach the hill. Then I start walking. When I reach on top of a hill. I saw a silhouette standing there. It's her... She really is here.

I stop walking as I stare at her back. "Y-Y/N..." I call out. But I didn't step any further, worried that I might alert her.


My breath hitched when I heard that voice. I know that voice. I know it too well... The voice of a guy that have broke my heart. What's he doing here? Did he plan on breaking my heart even further? Tch... I refuse to give in... Only for him to hurt me more.

I just stand, not moving an inch. I can hear his heartbeat, thanks to my sharp senses after I turned into a demon. Then I hear him taking a step closer, then another... Then another.

"Stop where you are..." I demand. He stops. I turn around slowly. "What do you want?" I ask, in a cold tone. Tears starts to stream down his cheeks. "Y/N... you have to believe me" he said. I just stand there, looking at him with a stoic face.

"P-please... Trust me..." He cried out. I just stay silent. "I-I... I didn't kiss her... S-she made the first move, Y/N... P-please trust me... I-I'm b-begging you..." He cried, falling to his hands and knees. He bow his head, begging for my forgiveness.


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"P-please..." He pleads. "F-Fubuki..." I said, in shock. No one ever go that far as bowing down, just for my forgiveness. Did I really mean that much to me. Did I really misunderstood him... Was it really HER that makes a move on him. I frown... I don't know what to believe.

But then I remember the times I have with Fubuki. He's always so sincere. He always shows me how much he truly loves me. He can't just do that. So it's must be her scheme, trying to get me to hate Fubuki... So she could have him for herself. That Bitch!!

But that doesn't matter now... I have to console Fubuki. I slowly walks towards him. I kneel down next to him. "Fubuki..." I said. He looks up at me with tears streaming down his cheeks. "P-please... trust me, Y/N..." He pleads. I nod my head. "I trust you..." I said, my voice is barely above whispers. But he heard it anyway. He chokes as he pulls me into a hug, still kneeling down on the ground. He buries his face on my shoulder, which soon enough get soaked from his tears.

Once he calmed down, he pulls away and kisses me passionately. He's pouring all his emotions. I can feel his pain. I'm so stupid. I should have trust him more.

He pulls away. "I love you, Y/N... so much. P-please don't ever leave me... I don't want to lose you..." He said. I hug him "I love you too... I-I'm sorry, Fubuki... I didn't realise the pain I've caused you... I'm so sorry..." It's my turn to cry. He caress my hair. "What's important is that you're back with me... I'm so happy..." He said.

We just stay there, in each other's arms. I'm so glad to have him back. I'm so glad to have him. To have someone like him that loves me dearly. From now on... No matter what...

I'll trust him with all my heart

*to be continued*

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