Chapter 19

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Previously on Chapter 18

He pokes my forehead. "I'm not saying you're stupid... I'm saying you're too oblivious for your own good" he said, walking away. I just watch his back as he walks away, leaving me standing in front of two arguing boys, deep in thought. As I think about it.... Something comes in mind.

Is Fubuki jealous of Matt... He is, isn't he?



When I woke up, I realise it's still really early. I take out my flip phone and find out that it's still around 5 in the morning. I sigh and close my phone. 'Well... I can't sleep now... Might as well just wake up' I said.

I try to be as quiet as possible. I grab my jacket, then I make my way to the field. I might as well jog for a bit. A morning exercise would be nice. Now that's settled, I starts to stretch a bit. Once I feel it's enough, I start to jog around the field.

After a while, someone join me. I turn my head to see who it was. It was Matt. "Oh... Morning" I said. He turns to me and smile. "Morning" he said, with a smile. Then we just continue to jog in silent.

As we jog, I notice he's trying to close the distant. I instantly stop and turns to him. He looks at me confused. "Are you tired?" He asks. "No..." I said. "Then why did you stop?" He ask again. This time I roll my eyes at him. Did he seriously think I'd fall for it? Not a chance. "I know what you're trying to do" I said. "What am I trying to do?" He asks again. I huffed "stop pretending, I know exactly what you're aiming for. You know that I'm with Fubuki... Stop trying to get me to like you" I said, I turn around and run away. I didn't look back at all.

Matt P.O.V

So she knew... She knew that I like her. What a surprise. She's not as oblivious as I thought she would be. Things will be much more fun now. No matter what she said, I won't stop. Not until I get to have her. No matter what it takes to get her.

'I won't stop, Y/N... I always get what I want... So I will have you' I thought to myself, with a smirk on my face. She will be mine.



Matt is really getting on my nerve. Despite what I said this morning, he still didn't stop. He keeps coming and try to get me to date him. Ugh... Can't that guy see? I'm not interested in him! Not one bit! I have Fubuki and he's all I ever wanted. But that guy just have to have a bone head. Didn't get the picture at all. Always trying. Tch... How annoying.

I'm helping Kino on preparing dinner. But she needs to go and get some more ingredients. So it's just me.

As I was cooking. I feel someone snake a pair of arms around my waist. At first I jump in shock. Then I smile "Fubuki... I didn't know you could be sneaky" I said. "But I'm not Fubuki" A voice said behind me, which clearly isn't Fubuki.

I yank the person's arms of from me. I turn around and see Matt. "What the heck! What did I say this morning! Are you deaf of what? Or should I say it again? I say stop trying to get me to like you! I have Fubu-" I got cut off by a pair of lips on mine. It takes me a few second to register what just happened. He's kissing me... Matt is kissing me!! What the heck?!

I was about to push him away. But someone beat me to it. Someone yank him off me. My eyes widened in shock to see Fubuki, holding Matt by the collar. "You Son of a B*tch! I said keep your hand to yourself! I already told you that she's mine!" He scream at him.

He drag him outside. It took me a few second to get out of my daze. I can hear a loud voice outside. I quickly run outside.

Just as I fear. Fubuki is beating up Matt. I stand in my spot, frozen. I have no idea what to do. Fubuki continue to punch him. Eventually, he was stop by Endou.

"That's enough, Fubuki! You're going too far!" Endou yelled at Fubuki. "Gone too far?! Me?! I wouldn't act like this, if this bastard *pointing at Matt* could keep his hands to himself and don't touch my girl!" He screams at Endou, who steps back in shock. I was shock too, I didn't expect Fubuki to get so angry.

"Fubuki..." I call out, but he ignores me. He glares at Endou, who is still looking at him in shock. "I have been trying so hard to keep my all my angers in! But this guy is making it so f*cking hard. Then now he decided to take it further by kissing Y/N! She's MY Girlfriend! Mine! I won't stand still and do nothing when this guy act like that! Never! I won't ever let him act like that and go away with it so easily" He screams more. His face is red from all the anger.

"Woah... Calm down, Fubuki... Are you sure they didn't kiss each other?" Kazemaru asks. This makes me mad, how dare he accuse me with such thing! I was about to say something to him... But Fubuki beat me to it, by grabbing him by the collar. Their face is dangerously close as Fubuki glares at him. "Fubuki" I said, but he ignores me again. His face is getting even more red from all the anger. "Are you trying to say that Y/N is cheating on me?! She would never do that! She loves me! I know she does! So don't you f*cking dare say that!!" He scream in his face. He push Kazemaru harshly, causing him to stumble and fall on the ground.

Then he turns around and grab my hand. I was surprise by how gentle he is when holding my hand. He is fuming with anger, but he can be so gentle with me.

"Come on, Y/N..." He said. I turn my head to look at Kazemaru. He send me an apologetic look, as if saying he didn't mean what he just said. But I just glare at him. I turn around and walk along with Fubuki.

We come to a stop at a bridge. Fubuki is still breathing hard, his hands is on the railing in a tight fist.

I hesitate for a bit, but then I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his torso. He tenses for a bit. "I'm sorry..." I whispers. He relaxes, then he turns around with my arms still wrapped around him. He wraps his arms around me. He caress my hair softly. "Y/N... You don't need to apologise. I know he started it" he said. "I know... But if I would've been more careful... He wouldn't have use it as an opportunity to make a move on me..." I said.

He shakes his head. "It's alright... You don't have to think about it anymore... And I'm sorry I go off like that... I didn't know I could act so brutal... I guess, seeing him having his lips on yours just angers me... I'm so scared of loosing you, Y/N" He said. I nod my head "it's fine..." I said.

He pulls away "now let's clean that lips of yours" he said. He leans in and place a soft kiss on my lips. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck.

I didn't know that Fubuki could get so angry... I guess he really loves me. But at the same time, it makes me worried... What would happen to him when I loose control again and have to leave him?

We pull away for air and stare into each other eyes. "I love you, Y/N... So much.. Please don't ever leave me" he said. I smile "I love you too, Fubuki... Never... I would never leave you" I said. He smiles, then he leans for another kiss.

*to be continued*

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