Chapter 15

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Previously on Chapter 14

Then exhaustion got the best of me as everything around me becomes really blurry. I drop on my knees and to the ground. But before my head hits the ground, I feel someone caught me. Then everything turns black.



I woke up and realise I was back in the hospital bed. I sigh 'I can't believe I did that... They got hurt because of me... I'm just a danger to them' I thought to myself.

I move myself and sit up. I grunt in pain, but I manage to stay up. I lean my back against the headboard.

The door opens to reveal Fubuki. He's holding a tray of what seems to be a meal for me. He looks up and notice that I'm awake. "Y/N... You're finally awake" he said, smiling at me. I just look away from him.

Fubuki P.O.V

Y/N is awake when I entered the room. I smile at her "Y/N... You're finally awake" I said, as I smile at her. But she looks away from me.

I frown and walk further in. I place the tray of food on the table, next to the bed. I take a seat on her bed. I place my hand on top of hers. She flinch, but she didn't try to pull it away. "Y/N... What's wrong?" I ask, worry is evident in my voice as I asks her. Then I heard ragged breath and constant sniffling. That's when I realise Y/N is crying.

I place my hand on her shoulder, then I gently turn her to face me. She looks at me with tears streaming down from her eyes. I frown and wipe her tears. She just sit there and looks at me. "Hey... Talk to me Y/N... What's wrong?" I asks softly. "I'm a monster..." She said in a hush tone. I furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" I asks.

"I hurt everyone, Fubuki... I hurt everyone! I'm just a Monster..." She sobbed. I shake my head and pull her into a hug. I caress her head softy. "Shh... Don't say that... You're not a Monster... You never are" I said, in a soothing voice. She just starts to cry harder and clutch my shirt.

I pains me so much to see her like this. Y/N use to be so outgoing. She's the most cheerful girl I have ever seen. So seeing her like this, is the hardest thing I have ever seen. I really wish I could do something to help her. I love her so much. I don't want her to suffer.

Then I notice she has fallen asleep after I heard a soft snore coming from her. I look down and smile. I laid her down gently and wrap her in her blanket.



When I woke up, I realise it's already night time. Fubuki have left. There's no one around. That makes sense, no visitors allowed at night.

I just laid there, looking up at the ceiling. I sigh as I turn sideways to lay on my side. Ever since I joined this group. All I did was hurt them.

No matter how much Fubuki tries to convince me, I'm nothing but a monster. That's all I'll ever be. I f*uckin monster. Heavy tears starts to stream down my cheeks. I move my hand to clutch the bedsheets in a tight fist to prevent myself from screaming.

"Something bothering you?" I heard someone saying that. I turn my head to see Ravana, who is leaning on the wall across from me. I sit up and lean on the headboard. "What are you doing here?" I asks her. I'm not gonna asks how she manage to get in. She's a demon after all. It's easy for her to sneak in anywhere.

She sigh and move from her spot. She shrugs as she makes her way over to me. She takes a seat next to me. "I'm just checking on you" she said. I roll my eyes "no need to act so kind... I know you're just pretending. I wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for you!" I scream at her. She jumps in respond. "No need to scream... I really am worried for you, Y/N" she said. I scoff "you could've told me that if I tell someone that I have a demon inside me, would turn me into one. But you didn't! You did that on purpose, you want me to be just like you, am I right?!" I scream at her.

She looks down "I can't..." She said. I look at her confused. "If I did tell you... It will kill me instead" she said. I glare at her "so it is okay, it's okay to ruin my life?!" I yell at her more. She was about to say something, but I turn my head away from her. "Just leave me alone... I don't ever want to see you, ever again..." I said.

The room is silent. I turn my head to see an empty space. She left. I fall onto the bed and starts crying more. I scream until my throat starts to hurt.

I think it's better for me to leave. Raimon team don't need a Monster like me. It's better if I'm not around. They won't get hurt again. Yeah... I think it's better for me to be gone from their life. 'I'm sorry Fubuki...' I thought.

I got up from the bed. Then walk over to the window. Since I'm a demon now... Falling from a high level won't kill me. I'm undead now.

I open the window. Then I glance behind me. "Goodbye... Everyone. You won't see me ever again" I said lowly. A tear escape my eyes as I fully turn around and jump off.

The Next Morning

Fubuki P.O.V

I walk towards her room. Bringing some meal for her. I open the door to her room. "Good morning, baby... I hope you're-" I stopped when I notice no one is in the room, then I notice the open window. I drop the tray then I  turn around and start running.

I bump into Endou along the way. "Fubuki! What's wrong?" He asks. "Y/N is not in her room. She's missing!" I exclaim. His eyes widened, then he took out his phone and start making a call. I assume he's telling the rest. But the only thing in my mind is where could she be?

I run around the town for hours. But I can't seem to find her. I run towards the abandon school building, but still nothing. I drop on my knees and scream.

"Where are you, Y/N...." I sobbed. Then I just stay there and continue to cry. Where is she? Is she alright. Y/N... Please come back to me. Without me noticing a pair of eyes is looking at me from a far.


I watch with tears in my eyes. This is for the best. You better of without me. I hope you'll know that... Maybe not now, but you'll know about it someday.

I'm sorry... Fubuki

*to be continued*

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